falsehood | n 1. untruthfulness, kepalsuan: to distinguish truth from ~, membezakan kebenaran drpd kepalsuan; 2. lie, dusta; /tell, utter/ ~, berbohong, berdusta; 3. lying, pembohongan, pendustaan, berbohong, berdusta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full | ~ well, betul: I know ~ well he is lying, saya tahu betul dia berbohong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
catch | ~ so. out (in st), mendapati sso [+ approp v]: he was caught out telling a deliberate lie, dia didapati sengaja berbohong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
despise | vt (feel extreme dislike for) benci akan; (scorn, disdain) memandang /rendah, hina, sepi/ thdp: he ~s liars, dia benci akan orang yg suka berbohong; not to be ~d, [various translations]: his qualifications are not to be ~d, kelayakannya hebat; efficiency is a must, and good looks are not to be ~d, kecekapan perlu ada dan kalau orangnya cantik, lebih elok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fool | /act, play/ the ~, mengada-ada; any ~, si bodoh mana pun: any ~ would have realized that he was lying, si bodoh mana pun akan sedar bahawa dia berbohong; be /no, nobody’s/ ~, (colloq) tak makan kelentong; /be sent, go/ on a ~’s errand, /disuruh membuat, membuat/ kerja sia-sia; make a ~ of os, membodohkan diri sso; make a ~ of so., membodoh-bodohkan sso; (the) more ~ you, bodohnya kamu; not suffer ~s gladly, (colloq) tdk sabar dgn orang yg bodoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intensely | adv sangat, amat: she feels ~ about their plight, dia amat merasai penderitaan mereka; a period of ~ hot weather, waktu cuaca sangat panas; she hates liars ~, dia sangat benci akan orang yg suka berbohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incapable | adj helpless, weak (through intoxication, injury etc) tdk berupaya: drunk and ~, mabuk dan tdk berupaya; be ~ of, a. not be able to, tdk dapat; (not able to do st bad because one is honest etc) tdk sanggup: he is quite ~ of managing his own affairs, dia tdk dapat mengurus halnya sendiri; she seems ~ of understanding our position, dia nampaknya tdk dapat memahami edudukan kami; to be ~ of lying, tdk sanggup berbohong; a man like him would be ~ of cruelty, lelaki spt dia tdk sanggup melakukan kezaliman; b. not susceptible, tdk dapat: the situation is ~ of improvement, keadaan itu tdk dapat diperbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extricate | vt 1. free (so., st) from a trap etc, mengeluarkan: the rescue team took about an hour to ~ the pilot from the wreckage, pasukan penyelamat mengambil masa selama lebih sejam utk mengeluarkan juruterbang itu dr bangkai kapal terbang; 2. free (so., st) from a difficult situation, (act.) melepaskan, membebaskan; (pass.) terlepas, bebas: she had to lie to ~ herself from the difficult situation, dia terpaksa berbohong utk melepaskan diri drpd situasi yg sulit itu; ~ os from, /melepaskan, membebaskan/ diri /dr, drpd/: the bird could ~ itself from the net, burung itu tdk dapat melepaskan dirinya dr jaring itu; she would dearly love to ~ herself from the unhappy relationship, dia ingin sekali membebaskan dirinya drpd perhubungan yg tdk bahagia itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capable | adj berkebolehan: a ~ administrator, seorang pentadbir yg berkebolehan; be ~ of, a. have the ability to, berupaya: children are not ~ of looking after their own interests, kanak-kanak tdk berupaya menjaga kepentingan diri mereka sendiri; b. have financial means to, mampu, berkemampuan; c. have no hesitation for, sanggup: a person who is ~ of any crime, seorang yg sanggup melakukan sebarang perbuatan jenayah; he is not ~ of lying, dia tdk sanggup berbohong; d. be receptive to, dapat: the situation is ~ of improvement, keadaan itu dapat diperbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | 5. defeat (in battle, contest, etc) mengalahkan, menewaskan: Ashe ~ Connors in the final, Ashe mengalahkan Connors dlm perlawanan akhir; 6. (colloq) surpass, mengatasi: that story ~s everything I have heard so far, cerita itu mengatasi segala yg pernah saya dengar selama ini; 7. (colloq) puzzle, baffle, [sso] tdk faham: how he could lie so blatantly ~s us all, bagaimana dia dapat berbohong begitu saya tdk faham; it ~s me how..., /hairan saya, saya tdk faham/ bagaimana..., ; 8. get ahead of, mendahului: he always tries to ~ the red light, dia selalu mencuba mendahului lampu merah; ~ the deadline, /menyiapkan, menyudahkan, menyelesaikan/ [n] sebelum tarikh akhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |