Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ber.buai.buai] | بربواي-بواي

Definisi : berbuai berulang-ulang, berayun(-ayun): badannya yg gemuk kelihatan ~ apabila dia berjalan; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berbuai-buai

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

danglethe keys ~d as he walked past, kunci-kunci itu berbuai-buai apabila dia berjalan melewati kami; a peddler with his wares dangling at the ends of a pole, penjaja dgn dagangannya berbuai-buai di hujung kandar; 3. hang loosely as part of st, terjuntai; (due to damage, injury) terkulai, terkelepai: his legs ~d in the air, kakinya terjuntai; the broken branch ~d precariously over us, dahan yg patah itu terkulai dgn bahayanya di atas kepala kami; 4. hang by arms, bergayut, bersenggayut: monkeys dangling from the branches, monyet-monyet yg bergayut pd dahan-dahan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
danglevi 1. be suspended and free to sway, a. (of key, ear-ring, etc) tergantung; (when many) bergantungan: the watch ~d on a chain, jam itu tergantung pd rantai; all sorts of goods ~d from the rafters of the shop, bermacam-macam jenis barang bergantungan pd kasau-kasau kedai itu; b. (of st long, trailing) meruntai, berjuntai: climbers ~d over the side of the wall, pokok-pokok panjat meruntai di tepi tembok itu; grapes dangling from a trellis, buah anggur yg meruntai dr kisi-kisi; 2. swing loosely, berbuai-buai, berayun-ayun:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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