fray2 | vt 1. cause to wear out, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] /berbulu, berselumu/; (pass.) berbulu, berselumu: his shirt was ~ed at the cuffs, manset kemejanya berbulu; 2. strain, (act.) menegangkan; (pass.) tegang: the screaming children ~ed her temper, jeritan kanak-kanak itu menegangkan perasaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fray2 | vi 1. (of rope, cloth) become worn, berbulu, berselumu: the rope ~ed where it rubbed against the rock, tali itu berbulu di tempat yg bergesel dgn batu; his shirt ~ed at the collar, kemejanya berbulu di kolar; double seams will prevent the edges ~ing, kelim dua kali akan menghalang bahagian tepi kain drpd berbulu; 2. become strained, menegang: his temper ~ed during the continuous air raids, perasaannya menegang semasa serangan udara yg bertubi-tubi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frayed | adj berbulu, berselumu: ~ hemline, kelepet baju yg berbulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feathered | adj having feathers, berbulu: ~ right down to the feet , berbulu hingga ke kaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
furred | adj 1. having fur, berbulu: a ~ animal, binatang berbulu; 2. lined, trimmed with fur, dihiasi dgn bulu: a ~ hat, topi yg dihiasi dgn bulu; 3. encrusted, berkerak; (of tongue) berselaput. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hairy | adj 1. covered with hair, berbulu: ~ chest, dada yg berbulu; 2. (sl) dangerous and exciting, mendebarkan: shooting the rapids was rather ~, meluncur dgn laju di jeram agak mendebarkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
furry | adj 1. covered with fur, berbulu: ~ animals, binatang-binatang yg berbulu; 2. esembling fur, menyerupai bulu: soft, ~ material, kain lembut yg menyerupai bulu; 3. (of tongue) berselaput. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fuzzy | adj 1. having a furry appearance, berbulu gebu: the ~ skin of a peach, kulit buah pic yg berbulu gebu; 2. blurred, kabur: the picture is ~ on one side, sebelah gambar itu kabur; 3. frizzy, keriting halus: ~ hair, rambut keriting halus; 4. muddled, keliru: ~ thinking, fikiran yg keliru; 5. (ref to difference between two concepts etc) kabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
-haired | adj 1. (of person) berambut: a curly~ girl, budak perempuan berambut keriting; 2. (of animal) berbulu: a long~ cat, kucing berbulu panjang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bald | adj 1. without hair (ref to person, head) botak; 2. without feathers, fur, tdk berbulu: there is a ~ spot on the animal’s back, ada tompok tdk berbulu pd belakang binatang itu; 3. without trees etc, gondol: a ~ mountain, gunung yg gondol; 4. not covered with grass, tdk berumput: ~ patches on the field, tompok-tompok tdk berumput di padang; 5. without leaves, gondol: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg gondol; 6. (of tyre) botak, tdk berbunga, licin; 7. plain, sahaja, hanya ... sahaja: a ~ statement of fact, hanya pernyataan fakta sahaja; 8. blatant, terang-terangan, tdk berselindung-selindung: a ~ lie, dusta yg terang-terangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |