bulk | 4. proportions, badan sso (yg) besar: for a man of his ~ he eats very little, bagi lelaki yg badannya besar spt itu, dia makan sedikit saja; ~ buying, pembelian pukal; in ~, a. in large amounts, pukal, secara besar-besaran, dgn kuantiti yg banyak; b. loose, not in package, terurai, tdk berbungkus; the ~ of, the greater part, majority /sebahagian, sejumlah/ besar (drpd): the ~ of the work was done, sebahagian besar drpd kerja itu telah selesai; the ~ of our property, sebahagian besar harta kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |