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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berbunyi 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

chimevt 1. sound, membunyikan: the bells ~d a tune, loceng itu membunyikan lagu; 2. make known (time) by ringing, berbunyi menandakan: the clock ~d midnight, jam berbunyi menandakan waktu tengah malam; the clock ~d one, jam berbunyi menandakan pukul satu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blow15. pant, tercungap-cungap: climbing up the stairs made me puff and ~, memanjat tangga membuat saya termengah-mengah dan tercungap-cungap; 6. make a whistling sound, berbunyi: the whistle blew when the match ended, wisel berbunyi apabila perlawanan itu berakhir; 7. (of whale) /menyemburkan, memancutkan/ air; 8. (of natural gas or oil) menyembur keluar; 9. (of fuse) terbakar: when the heater was switched on the fuse blew, apabila pemanas itu dipasang fiusnya terbakar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blastn 1. strong gust (of wind) tiupan kencang: a ~ of hot air from the furnace, tiupan kencang udara panas dr relau; 2. forcible jet or stream of air, gas, etc, semburan; 3. loud sound, a. (of car horn, radio, etc) berbunyi bising: the radio let out an awful ~, radio itu berbunyi bising; /blow, sound/ a ~ on st, /meniup, membunyikan/ sst dgn bisingnya; b. (of wind instrument), (bunyi) tiupan; 4. explosion, letupan: many were injured by the ~, banyak yg cedera akibat letupan itu; 5. (colloq) severe reprimand, kecaman, bidasan: his ~ against corruption went unnoticed, kecamannya thdp rasuah tdk diambil peduli; 6. (disease), penyakit blasta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bray1vi meringkik, merengeh, meringih: donkeys ~ing in the field, keldai-keldai yg sedang meringkik di padang; drums rolled and trumpets ~ed, tambur berbunyi dan trompet meringkik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hootvi 1. (of owl) bunyi: I heard an owl ~ing, saya terdengar bunyi burung hantu; 2. (of car, car horn), berbunyi pon(-pon) ; 3. (of train, whistle, etc), (peluit) bersiut: the train ~ed as it entered the station, peluit kereta api itu bersiut ketika kereta api masuk ke stesen; 4. make hooting sound to jeer etc, mengejek: the audience ~ed, para penonton mengejek;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
knelln 1. bunyi loceng; 2. (fig.) petanda kemusnahan: the announcement sounded the ~ of his hopes, pengumuman itu merupakan petanda kpd kemusnahan segala harapannya vi berbunyi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blessedadj 1. worthy of blessing, dirahmati Tuhan (hendaknya): ~ are the merciful, dirahmati Tuhan hendaknya orang yg mempunyai rasa belas kasihan; 2. confounded (euphem) bertuah: those ~ bells never stopped ringing, loceng-loceng bertuah itu tdk pernah berhenti berbunyi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chattervi 1. prattle, berceloteh: the child ~s too much, budak itu banyak sangat berceloteh; 2. make repetitive sounds, a. (of birds) berkicau(an); b. (of monkeys) mengerih: the monkeys were ~ing in their cages, monyet-monyet itu berbunyi dlm kurungan; c. (of teeth) bergelatukan: his teeth ~ed with the cold, giginya bergelatukan krn sejuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fancyn 1. power of creating mental pictures esp in work of art, imaginasi; 2. mental image formed by such power, khayalan, imaginasi: he tried to sort out the fact from the ~ in the story, dia mencuba mengasingkan kenyataan drpd khayalan dlm cerita itu; this was the ~ of a mad man, ini ialah khayalan orang gila; 3. idea not based on reason, imaginasi, khayalan: did I hear the bell or is it only my ~?, adakah loceng berbunyi tadi atau hanya imaginasi saya saja?; 4. whim, ragam; 5. sudden irrational liking, minat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
glassn 1. hard, transparent substance, kaca: a fruit bowl made of ~, mangkuk buah-buahan yg dibuat drpd kaca; 2. st made of glass, a. (drinking vessel) gelas; b. (mirror) cermin, kaca muka; c. (barometer) barometer: the ~ is falling, barometer itu menurun; 3. contents of a glass, gelas: I’ll have another ~ of whisky, please, tolong beri saya segelas wiski lagi; 4. glassware collectively, barang(-barang) kaca: all the ~ and china has been put away, semua barang kaca dan tembikar itu telah disimpan; 5. protective cover, cermin: when he broke the ~ of the display case an alarm went off, apabila dia memecahkan cermin almari kaca itu, penggera berbunyi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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