Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ber.bu.nyi.bu.nyi] | بربوڽي - بوڽي

Definisi : berbunyi berulang-ulang; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berbunyi-bunyi


Katak betung berbunyi malam,
     Tala-menala bunyi dahulu;
Tuhan belum menjadikan alam,
     Kita sudah berjanji dahulu.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

go5. make a noise, berbunyi: the bell went to signal the end of class, loceng itu berbunyi menandakan tamatnya kelas; I thought I heard the buzzer ~, saya spt terdengar pembaz berbunyi; cats ~ “miaow”, kucing berbunyi “miau”; 6. explode with a particular noise, meletup dgn bunyi: the gun went “pop”, senapang itu meletup dgn bunyi “pop”;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hootvi 1. (of owl) bunyi: I heard an owl ~ing, saya terdengar bunyi burung hantu; 2. (of car, car horn), berbunyi pon(-pon) ; 3. (of train, whistle, etc), (peluit) bersiut: the train ~ed as it entered the station, peluit kereta api itu bersiut ketika kereta api masuk ke stesen; 4. make hooting sound to jeer etc, mengejek: the audience ~ed, para penonton mengejek;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
knelln 1. bunyi loceng; 2. (fig.) petanda kemusnahan: the announcement sounded the ~ of his hopes, pengumuman itu merupakan petanda kpd kemusnahan segala harapannya vi berbunyi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blastn 1. strong gust (of wind) tiupan kencang: a ~ of hot air from the furnace, tiupan kencang udara panas dr relau; 2. forcible jet or stream of air, gas, etc, semburan; 3. loud sound, a. (of car horn, radio, etc) berbunyi bising: the radio let out an awful ~, radio itu berbunyi bising; /blow, sound/ a ~ on st, /meniup, membunyikan/ sst dgn bisingnya; b. (of wind instrument), (bunyi) tiupan; 4. explosion, letupan: many were injured by the ~, banyak yg cedera akibat letupan itu; 5. (colloq) severe reprimand, kecaman, bidasan: his ~ against corruption went unnoticed, kecamannya thdp rasuah tdk diambil peduli; 6. (disease), penyakit blasta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
intervalafter a long ~, lama selepas itu: after a long ~, he finally replied my letter, lama selepas itu, barulah dia menjawab surat saya; at ~s, a. occasionally, sekali-sekali: the machine would stop making its whirring sound at ~s, sekali-sekali jentera itu berhenti mengeluarkan bunyi yg bergetar; b. happening regularly after particular periods of time, pd waktu-waktu tertentu: the bell rang at ~s, loceng berbunyi pd waktu-waktu tertentu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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