brag | n 1. boastful talk, cakap gah: it was his ~ that he never lost a fight, itu cakap gahnya sahaja bahawa dia tdk pernah kalah dlm perlawanan; 2. st boasted of, gah: his ~ was his new car, gahnya (ialah) kereta barunya; 3. one who boasts, orang yg bercakap gah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forever | adv 1. for all time, (utk) selama-lamanya: they vowed to love each other ~, mereka berjanji saling mencintai utk selama-lamanya; by 1918 the Western world had changed ~, pd tahun 1918 dunia Barat telah berubah utk selama-lamanya; 2. for an unlimited distance, tdk /ada batasnya, terbatas/: the desert seemed to go on ~, padang pasir itu seolah-olah tdk ada batasnya; 3. constantly, sentiasa: the kids in my class are ~ talking, budak-budak dlm kelas saya sentiasa bercakap-cakap; 4. for a very long time, lama sekali: the following thirty seconds seemed to last ~, tiga puluh saat yg berikutnya terasa lama sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |