jumble | n 1. confused mixture of physical things, approp n + yg bercampur aduk; (of st) bercampur aduk: the ~ that one usually finds on his bed, segala benda yg bercampur aduk yg selalu terdapat di atas katilnya; a ~ of equipment and tools, alat-alat dan perkakas yg bercampur aduk; 2. confused mixture of abstract things, tdk keruan; (of thoughts, ideas) berkecamuk: a ~ of street sounds, bunyi dr jalan raya yg tdk keruan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
farrago | n bercampur aduk: a ~ of facts, fakta yg bercampur aduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hotchpotch, hotch-pot | n jumble, bercampur aduk: a ~ of ideas, gagasan yg bercampur aduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intermingle | vi move around and mix together, bercampur; (secretly, furtively) masuk di celah-celah [orang ramai]: at the bazaars, holiday makers ~ freely with the natives of the island, di bazar, orang-orang yg bercuti itu bercampur bebas dgn penduduk pulau tersebut; the colours ~d harmoniously, warna-warna itu bercampur dgn harmoni; several plainclothes policemen ~d with the crowd, beberapa orang mata-mata yg berpakaian preman masuk di celah-celah orang ramai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jumbled | adj 1. be, lie, etc in a mess, bercampur aduk: books, toys and clothes lay in a ~ mass at the bottom of the cupboard, buku, barang-barang permainan dan baju bercampur aduk di bahagian bawah almari itu; 2. mixed up, tdk keruan; (of thoughts, ideas) berkecamuk: ~ sounds, bunyi yg tdk keruan; ~ thoughts, fikiran yg berkecamuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jumble | vt also ~ up, 1. throw together in disorder, (act.) mencampuradukkan; (pass.) bercampur aduk: he ~d the papers together, dia mencampuradukkan kertas-kertas itu; old clothes and books were ~d up together, pakaian dan buku lama bercampur aduk; 2. (usu pass.) mix up, berkecamuk: she seemed to have a lot of things ~d up in her mind, nampaknya banyak perkara yg berkecamuk dlm fikirannya; his thoughts were all ~d up, fikirannya berkecamuk; get st ~d up, keliru ttg sst: I’m afraid he’s got your names ~d up, saya khuatir dia keliru ttg nama-nama kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commingle | vi (liter.) bercampur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
associate | vi 1. mix socially, bergaul, bercampur: he only ~s with the higher-ups, dia bergaul hanya dgn orang atasan; 2. join in, form (association etc) bersekutu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | e. fit into, memakai, muat: I must have put on weight as I can’t ~ into my jeans, sudah tentu berat badan saya telah bertambah krn saya tdk dapat memakai seluar jean saya or krn seluar jean saya sudah tdk muat; f. acquire (habit) mendapat: ~ into bad habits, mendapat tabiat buruk; g. associate with, /bercampur, bergaul/ dgn: to ~ into the wrong company, bercampur dgn kumpulan yg tdk baik; h. pass into a particular emotional state, menjadi, naik: to ~ into a temper, naik darah or | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
company | be in good ~, (humorous) be in the same situation as someone else, bukan kamu seorang saja: “I’ve made one or two awful blunders.” “You’re in good ~. So have I”, “Saya pernah membuat satu dua kesilapan besar.” “Bukan kamu seorang saja. Saya pun pernah”; in ~ with, bersama-sama dgn; keep ~ with, /bercampur, bergaul/ dgn; keep so. ~, menemani sso; part ~ (with) a. separate (from) berpisah (dgn); b. end relationship (with) berpisah (dgn); c. disagree (with) tdk bersetuju (dgn); present ~ excepted, tdk termasuk /kamu, tuan-tuan, puan-puan [as approp]/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |