contradict | ~ each other, (of fact, statement, alibi, etc), (saling) bercanggah, bercanggahan: the statements of the two witnesses ~ each other, kenyataan kedua-dua saksi itu saling bercanggah; ~ os, membuat kenyataan yg bercanggah: he ~ed himself several times during the questioning, dia membuat kenyataan yg bercanggah beberapa kali semasa soal siasat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collision course | n 1. course likely to end in confrontation, percanggahan, bercanggahan: the management and the union seemed to be set on a ~, pihak pengurusan dan pihak kesatuan nampaknya menjurus ke arah percanggahan; 2. course likely to end in a crash, arah pandu perlanggaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conflict | bring so. into ~ (with so.) menyebabkan sso /bertikai, berkonflik, bersengketa/ (dgn sso): his unorthodox opinions soon brought him into ~ with the principal, pendapat-pendapatnya yg tdk ortodoks, tdk lama kemudian menyebabkan dia berkonflik dgn pengetua; come into ~ with, berkonflik dgn, /bercanggahan, bertentangan/ pendapat dgn; be in ~ with so, /bercanggahan, bertentangan/ pendapat dgn sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collide | vi 1. crash, berlanggar: the two cars ~d in the fog, dua buah kereta itu berlanggar dlm kabut; he ~d with me as he turned the corner, dia berlanggar dgn saya semasa membelok di selekoh itu; 2. clash, bercanggah, bertentangan; (of people, groups), /bercanggahan, bertentangan/ pendapat: the chairman ~d with the rest of the board over the company’s expenditure on equipment, pengerusi bercanggahan pendapat dgn ahli-ahli lembaga yg lain ttg perbelanjaan syarikat tersebut utk membeli kelengkapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alien | adj 1. foreign, asing: an ~ race, bangsa asing; ~ political systems were forced on us, sistem politik asing dipaksakan thdp kami; 2. usu ~ to, ~ from, different in nature or character, berlainan, berbeza: practices ~ to our culture, amalan-amalan yg berlainan drpd amalan dlm kebudayaan kita; 3. usu ~ to, out of harmony, opposed, bertentangan, bercanggahan: dictatorship is ~ to democracy, kediktatoran bertentangan dgn prinsip-prinsip demokrasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |