break | 5. scatter, disintegrate, bercerai-berai, berpecah-pecah: the unit broke under the attack, pasukan itu bercerai-berai akibat serangan; 6. separate, lerai: the boxers broke at the referee’s order, dua orang ahli tinju itu lerai atas perintah pengadil; 7. recess, berehat: let’s ~ for ten minutes, mari berehat sepuluh minit; 8. become free, see ~ away; 9. (of heart) hancur(-luluh, -lebur), remuk(-redam): her heart broke when her husband died, hatinya hancur-lebur apabila suaminya meninggal dunia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | d. (disperse) bersurai; (scatter) bercerai-berai, menjadi berpecah-pecah: the conference broke up early, persidangan itu bersurai awal; when the tanks appeared, the crowd broke up and ran for cover, apabila kereta kebal tiba, orang ramai bersurai dan bertempiaran mencari perlindungan; the family has broken up as a result of the war, keluarga itu telah bercerai-berai akibat peperangan; e. (ref to school) cease activity, mula bercuti, tutup: our school ~s up next Tuesday, kami bercuti hari Selasa depan or sekolah kami mula tutup pd hari Selasa depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |