Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | بردبور

Definisi : berbunyi debur-debur: pd waktu malam, hanya terdengar suara ombak ~ sahaja di situ; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berdebur

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

flopadv with a sound of flopping, berdebur: she fell ~ into the water, dia jatuh berdebur ke dlm air;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boom1vi 1. make loud, resonant sound, a. (of gun, thunder, etc) berdentum; (repeatedly) berdentam-dentum: the cannons ~ed, meriam berdentam-dentum; b. (of wave, surf) berdebum, berdebur; c. (of wind) menderu; d. (of voice) bergemuruh: his voice ~ed through the empty hall, suaranya bergemuruh di dewan yg kosong itu; 2. make deep, hollow cry, berdengut; 3. grow, prosper rapidly, melambung naik: business began to ~, perniagaan mula melambung naik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crashvi 1. (of aircraft) have violent, noisy accident, jatuh terhempas; 2. fall or hit st noisily, (of glassware, crockery, etc) jatuh berderang; (of structure, rock, etc) jatuh berderak; (of wave) berdebur: the glass slipped from his hand and ~ed to the floor, gelas itu terlepas dr tangannya lalu jatuh berderang ke lantai; 3. move noisily and violently, meluru merempuh: the wild boar ~ed through the undergrowth, babi hutan itu meluruh merempuh semak; 4. make loud shattering noise, (of applause, drums, etc) bergemuruh; (of thunder) berdentum; 5. collapse, jatuh: many companies ~ed during the economic recession, banyak syarikat yg jatuh semasa kemelesetan ekonomi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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