dedicated | adj berdedikasi: a ~ teacher, guru yg berdedikasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | vt 1. treat with respect, menghormati: the child had been taught to ~ his parents, budak itu telah diajar utk menghormati ibu bapanya; 2. pay tribute, homage to, a. (gen) memberi penghormatan: he was ~ed with the title of “Father of Independence”, dia diberi penghormatan dgn gelaran “Bapa Kemerdekaan”; they observed a minute’s silence to ~ the fallen heroes, mereka bertafakur selama seminit utk memberi penghormatan kpd wira-wira yg telah gugur; b. (by ruler, specif authority, organisation), /menganugerahi, mengurniai/ [sso] + approp n: a dedicated teacher who was ~ed for his services, guru yg berdedikasi yg telah dianugerahi pingat krn jasanya; 3. fulfil, keep, menghormati: it is hoped that all parties will ~ the agreement, diharapkan bahawa kesemua pihak menghormati perjanjian itu; 4. (cheque, bill) melunaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |