boom1 | vi 1. make loud, resonant sound, a. (of gun, thunder, etc) berdentum; (repeatedly) berdentam-dentum: the cannons ~ed, meriam berdentam-dentum; b. (of wave, surf) berdebum, berdebur; c. (of wind) menderu; d. (of voice) bergemuruh: his voice ~ed through the empty hall, suaranya bergemuruh di dewan yg kosong itu; 2. make deep, hollow cry, berdengut; 3. grow, prosper rapidly, melambung naik: business began to ~, perniagaan mula melambung naik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banging | n bunyi /berdentam-dentum, berdegam-degum/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bang1 | vi 1. slam, berdentum, berdentam, berdegum, berdegam: suddenly the door ~ed shut, tiba-tiba pintu itu tertutup berdentum; 2. fire, explode, berdentum, meletup: the starter’s gun ~ed and the runners were off, pistol pelepas berdentum lalu pelumba-pelumba pun terus berlari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bang1 | n 1. hard blow, pukulan, hentaman: the ~ on the head knocked him out, pukulan di kepalanya menyebabkan dia pengsan; 2. loud sound, noise (of impact, explosion) dentuman, bunyi /berdentum, berdentam, berdegum, berdegam/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bang1 | /come, run/ ~ up against st, tiba-tiba terserempak dgn sst: the hunters came ~ up against the tiger, pemburu-pemburu itu tiba-tiba terserempak dgn harimau; go ~, (of cracker) berdentum; (of door) berdentam, berdegam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clap 1 | vi 1. strike palms together, bertepuk (tangan): the children ~ped and cheered, kanak-kanak itu bertepuk tangan dan bersorak; he ~ped for the waiter, dia bertepuk tangan utk memanggil pelayan; 2. produce explosive sound, berdentum, berdentam: the door ~ped shut, pintu itu tertutup berdentum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distraction | n 1. act of drawing away, mengalih perhatian; 2. amusement, diversion, hiburan: there are too many ~s in the city, terlalu banyak hiburan di bandar raya; 3. interruption, gangguan: babies crying, kettles whistling, doors banging – these are some of the ~s in the home, bunyi bayi menangis, cerek bersiul, pintu berdentam – inilah antara beberapa gangguan yg terdapat di rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bang1 | get a ~ on the head, (of person) /kena pukul, kena hentam, dipukul, dihentam/ di kepalanya; (accidentally) kepala (sso) terhantuk; go off with a ~, a. meletup (dgn bunyi yg kuat), berdentum; b. (fig.) dilancarkan dgn jayanya; with a ~, a. with a loud noise, berdentum, berdentam, berdegum, berdegam: to shut with a ~, tertutup berdentum; b. successfully, impressively, dgn /cemerlang, jayanya/: to start off with a ~, bermula dgn cemerlang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |