face | /speak, stand/ ~ to ~, /bercakap, berdiri/ /berhadap-hadapan, berdepan-depan, bersemuka/; to so’s ~, di hadapan muka sso, terang-terang kpd sso: I told him to his ~ that he was a liar, saya mengatakan terang-terang kepadanya bahawa dia pembohong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eyeball | n /biji, bola/ mata; ~ to ~, (colloq) berdepan-depan, berhadap-hadapan; up to the ~s, sangat sibuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | it is important that we come to ~s with the problems that have plagued us for so long, adalah sangat penting bagi kita utk berdepan dgn masalah-masalah yg telah begitu lama mengganggu kita; /get, keep, take/ a ~ on os, (colloq) mengawal diri sso: she tried unsuccessfully to get a ~ on herself, dia mencuba mengawal dirinya tetapi gagal; in the ~ of, dlm cengkaman: in the ~ of a severe winter, dlm cengkaman musim sejuk yg teruk; the country has fallen into the ~ of a dictator, negara itu telah jatuh ke dlm cengkaman seorang diktator; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | show o’s ~, menunjukkan muka sso: never show your ~ here again, jangan sekali-kali tunjukkan muka kamu di sini lagi; /speak, stand/ ~ to ~, /bercakap, berdiri/ /berhadap-hadapan, berdepan-depan, bersemuka/; to so’s ~, di hadapan muka sso, terang-terang kpd sso: I told him to his ~ that he was a liar, saya mengatakan terang-terang kepadanya bahawa dia pembohong; turn /so., st/ ~ up, menelentangkan /sso, sst/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | ~ / and, in / glove (with), bermuafakat (dgn); (derog) bersubahat (dgn): the two companies have actually been working ~ in glove to destroy our reputation, kedua-dua syarikat itu sebenarnya bersubahat utk merosakkan nama baik kita; ~ in ~, with hands clasped, /berpegang(an), berpimpin/ tangan: the children walked ~ in ~, budak-budak itu berjalan berpegang tangan; ~ to ~, berdepan-depan, berhadap-hadapan: ~ to ~ combat, bertempur berdepan-depan; ~ over / ~, fist /, a. dgn tangan /bersilih sambut, saling berganti/: he hauled in the rope ~ over ~, dia menarik tali itu dgn tangan bersilih sambut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | /get, come/ to ~s, berlawan, bergasak: the two enemies came to ~s, kedua-dua orang yg bermusuhan itu berlawan; /get, come/ to ~s with, a. tackle, fight with, melawan; b. deal seriously with, i. (a subject) mendalami: it was a lengthy paper about problems in rural development but the author didn’t really come to ~s with the subject, kertas kerja ttg masalah dlm pembangunan luar bandar itu panjang lebar tetapi penulisnya tdk benar-benar mendalami perkara tersebut; ii. (problems, inadequacies, etc) berdepan dgn: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |