growl | n 1. rough, guttural sound of animal, bunyi (anjing, kucing, dll) menggeram; (of tiger, lion) bunyi (harimau, singa) mengaum, bunyi aum (harimau, singa); 2. (of thunder, engine, etc) bunyi /deram-derum, deram, derum/ (sst), bunyi (sst) /berderam-derum, berderam, berderum/: the ~ of the outboard motor, bunyi motor sangkut berderum; 3. st said in a low, gruff voice, suara geram: he gave a ~ of disapproval, dia membantah dgn suara geram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grumble | vi 1. complain, bersungut, merungut: he’s always grumbling, dia sentiasa bersungut; 2. rumble, berderam-derum; (of stomach) berkeroncong: we could hear the sound of the train as it ~d through the tunnel, kami dapat mendengar bunyi kereta api berderam-derum ketika lalu di terowong itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
growl | vi 1. (of animal) make rough, guttural sound, menggeram; (of tiger, lion) mengaum: our dog ~ed when he saw the neighbour’s cat, anjing kami menggeram apabila ternampak kucing jiran; 2. (of thunder, engine, etc) berderam-derum, berderum, berderam: cannon fire ~ed in the distance, tembakan meriam berderum di kejauhan; 3. speak in low, gruff voice, approp v + dgn suara geram: he ~ed at me when I asked him that question, dia menjawab dgn suara geram apabila saya mengajukan soalan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |