double | adv 1. in two parts, dua: fold the material ~, lipat dua kain itu; 2. two together, berdua: to sleep ~, tidur berdua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
both | saya mencari ibu bapa kamu, di mana mereka berdua?; ~ A and B, a. (gen) A dan (juga) B, A serta (juga) B, (baik) A mahupun B, A dan B kedua-duanya, kedua-dua A dan B: there are bedrooms ~ upstairs and downstairs, ada bilik tidur di atas dan juga di bawah; he was ~ proud and happy at his son’s achievements, dia berasa bangga serta gembira atas kejayaan anak lelakinya; the group received a warm welcome, ~ in neighbouring Southeast Asian countries and in the other places which they visited, rombongan itu menerima sambutan hangat, baik di negara-negara tetangga Asia Tenggara mahupun di tempat-tempat lain yg dikunjungi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
between | ~ you and me, ~ you, me and the /gatepost, bedpost/, ~ ourselves, antara kita berdua; after all there has been ~ us, mengenangkan hubungan kita yg begitu erat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abreast | adv seiring, beriring(an), bersaing, berdamping(an): they walked two ~, mereka berjalan berdua-dua seiring; /come, draw/ ~ of, (datang) menyampingi: a police car drew ~ of the lorry, sebuah kereta polis datang menyampingi lori itu; in line ~, sejajar (dlm satu baris); keep ~ /of, with/, (fig.) mengikuti: to keep ~ of the latest developments, mengikuti perkembangan-perkembangan yg terbaru; to keep ~ of the times, mengikuti (aliran) zaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hereby | adv dgn ini: I ~ pronounce you man and wife, dgn ini saya mengisytiharkan kamu berdua sbg suami isteri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | 13. in successive units of, [various translations]: one ~ one, satu (demi) satu; two ~ two, berdua-dua or dua-dua; to count ~ fives to 100, membilang lima-lima hingga 100; little ~ little, sedikit (demi) sedikit; drop ~ drop, setitik (demi) setitik; day ~ day, hari demi hari or dr sehari ke sehari; 14. (in multiplication or division) dengan: multiply 2 ~ 4, mendarabkan 2 dengan 4; divide 44 ~ 4, membahagikan 44 dengan 4; 15. (ref to dimensions in measurement) kali: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gatepost | n tiang pintu pagar; between you and me and the ~, (colloq) sesama kita, antara kita berdua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 15. (indic arrangement, shape, form) dalam: they stood about ~ twos and threes, mereka berdiri dalam kumpulan berdua dan bertiga; the eggs are packed ~ dozens, telur itu dijual dalam pek sedozen; to sit ~ a circle, duduk dalam bentuk bulatan; seedlings planted ~ neat rows, anak benih yg ditanam dalam barisan yg emas; the work is ~ three volumes, karya itu dalam tiga jid; the water shot up ~ a fountain, air mencurat keluar dalam bentuk air pancut; ~ /fives, tens, etc/, (of things) dua-dua, tiga-tiga, dll: pack the cigarettes ~ tens, bungkus rokok itu sepuluh-sepuluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
both | 3. (with a pl n) kedua-dua (+ classifier ), kedua-duanya: my parents are ~ linguists, ibu bapa saya kedua-duanya ahli bahasa; ~ (of) these books need repairing, kedua-dua (buah) buku ini perlu dibaiki; she kissed her husband on ~ cheeks, dia mencium kedua-dua belah pipi suaminya; 4. (implying “both together”) berdua: that chair is big enough for ~ of you to sit in, kerusi itu cukup besar utk kamu berdua duduk; the bus broke down so we ~ arrived late, bas rosak, jadi kami berdua tiba lewat; I’m looking for your parents, where are they ~?, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glare | ~ at, a. stare fiercely at, menjegil, /merenung, memandang/ dgn marah: she ~d at the naughty children, dia merenung budak-budak nakal itu dgn marah; the two ~d at each other, mereka berdua saling merenung dgn marah; b. can be seen clearly, (begitu) menonjol: the mistakes in the balance sheet really ~ at you, kesilapan dlm kunci kira-kira begitu menonjol; ~ /defiance, hatred, etc/ at so., /memandang, merenung/ sso dgn /penuh ingkar, rasa benci/: the criminal ~d hatred at the policeman, penjenayah itu memandang polis itu dgn rasa benci; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |