jockey | vi; ~ for, berebut-rebut utk + approp v: to ~ for a place in the Council, berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan tempat dlm Majlis itu; to ~ for the leadership of the Politburo, berebut-rebut utk menjadi ketua Majlis Politburo; ~ for position, a. (racing) mengasak-asak utk mendapatkan tempat yg baik; b. try to gain advantage by skillful manoeuvering, berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan kedudukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scramble | 2. disorderly struggle, perebutan, berebut-rebut: a ~ for tickets to the magic show, berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan tiket pertunjukan silap mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scramble | 2. compete to get st, berebut-rebut: the children ~d for the money thrown by the rich man, budak-budak berebut-rebut utk memungut duit yg ditaburkan oleh orang kaya itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
path | beat a ~ to so’s door, berebut-rebut menemui sso: reporters are beating a ~ to her door now that she has become famous, pemberita berebut-rebut menemuinya krn sekarang dia telah menjadi orang yg terkenal; stand in o’s ~, (fig.) menghalang + approp n: if you really want to read law I shan’t stand in your ~, kalau kamu benar-benar hendak belajar undang-undang saya tdk akan menghalang kamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scrum | n 1. (rugby) skrum; 2. (fig.) berebut-rebut: the crowd got into a ~ at the ticket counter, orang ramai berebut-rebut di kaunter tiket. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
time | take o’s ~, mengambil /masa, waktu/: take your time, ~ there’s no need to hurry, ambillah masa, tdk perlu berebut-rebut; you certainly took your ~, getting here, amboi, kamu betul-betul mengambil masa utk datang ke sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slew 2 | n (US), (colloq) large number, banyak: a whole ~ of people scrambled out of the bus, banyak orang berebut-rebut keluar dr bas itu; his mother had a whole ~ of jobs for him, emaknya ada banyak kerja untuknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crowd | n 1. large number (of people), ramai (orang): a ~ had gathered at the scene of the accident, ramai orang berkerumun di tempat kemalangan itu; large ~s (of people) ramai orang; large ~s of, ramai: the show attracted large ~s of teenagers, pertunjukan itu telah menarik ramai muda-mudi; the ~, orang ramai: he pushed his way through the ~, dia mengasak-asak di celah-celah orang ramai; the ~ rushed towards the exit, orang ramai berebut-rebut ke arah pintu keluar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | 7. find what is sought, menjumpai, menemui: the drillers finally ~ oil, penggerudi-penggerudi itu akhirnya menjumpai minyak; 8. arrive at, sampai ke: we were lost for an hour before we ~ the main road, kami sesat selama sejam sebelum sampai ke jalan besar; 9. reach, mencapai; (a low point) jatuh ke: this car can ~ a speed of 150 kph, kereta ini boleh mencapai had laju 150 kmsj; the price of oil ~ an all-time low, harga minyak jatuh ke paras yg paling rendah; 10. appear in or on, a. (of product) muncul: there was a rush for the product when it first ~ the market, orang berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan keluaran itu apabila keluaran berkenaan pertama kali muncul di pasaran; b. (of news) tersiar: the story ~ the front pages in all the local newspapers, cerita itu tersiar di muka depan semua akhbar tempatan; c. (of magazine, newspaper) mula dijual; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |