advisedly | adv setelah berfikir /dalam-dalam, masak-masak, panjang/: he stayed away from the meeting ~ , setelah berfikir dalam-dalam dia tdk menghadiri pertemuan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debate | ~ /with os., in o’s mind/, berfikir-fikir, bertimbang-timbang, berkira-kira: e ~d with himself before making the decision, dia berfikir-fikir sebelum membuat keputusan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forethought | n 1. prior thought, consideration, berfikir terlebih dulu: I wish I’d had the ~ to bring my umbrella!, kalaulah saya berfikir terlebih dahulu dan membawa payung!; 2. prudence, sikap berhati-hati: her ~ enabled us to live within our means, sikapnya yg berhati-hati membolehkan kami hidup dgn apa yg ada. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dally | ~ with, a. think about but not seriously, berfikir-fikir walaupun tdk sepenuh hati: they dallied with the idea of migrating to Canada, mereka berfikir-fikir, walaupun tdk sepenuh hati, utk berhijrah ke Kanada; b. trifle with, (person) bermain asmara; (person’s affection) mempermainkan: he merely dallied with her, dia hanya bermain asmara dgn gadis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contemplate | vi berfikir dalam-dalam, bertafakur: I never have time to sit and ~, saya tdk pernah ada masa utk duduk dan bertafakur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brain | have a good ~, cerdik, bijak, pintar; have (got) ~s, cerdik, bijak; have not much ~, tdk berapa /cerdik, bijak/; have /so., st/ on the ~, asyik berfikir ttg /sso, sst/; (song, tune, etc ), /terngiang(-ngiang), mengiang/ di kepalanya: he has money on the ~, dia asyik berfikir ttg wang; have the ~s /for st, to do st/, cukup pandai utk /sst, membuat sst/: does he have the ~s for the job?, adakah dia cukup pandai utk membuat kerja itu?; the ~s, a. mastermind, dalang: she was the ~s behind the robbery, dialah dalang perompakan itu; b. cleverest person in a group, orang yg paling /cerdik, bijak/; c. one who plans and organizes an undertaking, (orang yg) /merancang, merencanakan/: who was the ~s behind the dinner party?, siapakah yg merancang majlis makan malam itu?; the best ~s, cendekiawan, cerdik pandai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deep | be ~ in, (thought, day-dream, work, etc) asyik: to be ~ in thought, asyik berfikir; to be ~ in a book, asyik membaca; to be ~ in conversation, asyik berbual; ~ in debt, hutang sekeliling pinggang; ~ in trouble, ada kesalahan besar: he is ~ in trouble with the police, dia ada kesalahan besar dgn polis; thrown in at the ~ end, terkapai-kapai: having had little experience in running an organization, I was thrown in at the ~ end, krn mempunyai hanya sedikit pengalaman dlm mengendalikan organisasi, saya terkapai-kapai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brood | vi 1. sit on eggs to hatch, mengeram; 2. think, worry about at length, berfikir-fikir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contemplation | n 1. act of, a. (gazing upon intently) merenung; b. (meditating) bertafakur, berfikir dalam-dalam; 2. deep thought, bertafakur; in ~, bertafakur: he sat in deep ~ in front of the fire, dia duduk bertafakur di hadapan perapian itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
answer | vi 1. reply, menjawab; (by letter) menjawab, membalas: he ~ed without thinking, dia menjawab dgn tdk berfikir; she did not ~ well in the last examination, dia tdk menjawab dgn baik dlm peperiksaan yg lalu; although I have written him three letters he still hasn’t ~ed, walaupun saya telah menulis tiga pucuk surat dia masih belum membalas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |