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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : mempunyai fungsi, melaksanakan fungsi, bertugas: JPM mesti selalu meninjau semula bidang ilmunya utk terus maju dan ~ kpd masyarakat; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berfungsi

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

functionvi 1. serve, act, berfungsi: participles often ~ as nouns, partisipel selalu berfungsi sbg kata nama; the walking stick ~s as a prop, tongkat boleh berfungsi sbg penopang; they ~ed as observers rather than participants, mereka berfungsi sbg pemerhati dan tdk sbg peserta; 2. operate, work, (of organization) berfungsi; (of machine, vehicle, etc) berjalan; (of telephone etc) hidup, /boleh, dapat/ digunakan: the car ~s best on high grade petrol, kereta itu berjalan baik sekali dgn menggunakan petrol gred tinggi; the telephone doesn’t ~, telefon itu tdk hidup.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
defunctadj 1. deceased, /telah, sudah/ mati; 2. extinct, no longer existing, tdk wujud lagi: a scheme, now considered ~, rancangan yg dianggap tdk wujud lagi; 3. no longer operative, tdk berfungsi lagi: a ~ company, syarikat yg tdk berfungsi lagi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
asb. (preceding clause containing v such as “seem”, “say”, “think”, etc) se-[adj] yang: the gadget works ~ efficiently ~ the manufacturer claims, alat itu berfungsi sebaik yang dikatakan oleh pembuatnya; c. (preceding phr “one can”, “possible”) se-[adj] mungkin, se-[adj]-nya: I’ll come ~ quickly ~ I can, saya akan datang secepat mungkin or saya akan datang secepat-cepatnya; /twice, three times, etc/ ~ [adj, adv] ~, /dua, tiga, dsb/ kali lebih [adj] drpd: she wants a carpet twice ~ wide ~ this, dia mahu akan permaidani yg dua kali lebih luas drpd yang ini; ~ against, /berbanding, dibandingkan/ dgn: there were forty votes for Isa ~ against thirteen for Ali, ada empat puluh undi utk Isa berbanding dgn tiga belas utk Ali; ~ always, spt biasa, sebagaimana lazimnya; ~ ever, spt biasa; ~ follows, /spt, sbg/ yg berikut; ~ for, tentang, berkenaan dgn;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
actvi 1. take action, bertindak: the association called on the government to ~ quickly, persatuan itu menggesa kerajaan supaya bertindak segera; 2. have an effect, bertindak: snake venom ~s on the nervous system, bisa ular bertindak atas sistem saraf; 3. perform (in film, play, etc) berlakon: Hitchcock usually ~s in his own films, Hitchcock biasanya berlakon dlm filem-filem arahannya sendiri; 4. function, berfungsi; (of brake) makan: the pump is not ~ing as it should, pam itu tdk berfungsi dgn sempurna; the fuse ~s as a switch, fius itu berfungsi sbg suis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
connectvt 1. join, fasten, menyambung: once these wires are ~ed there is no reason why the telephone should not work, sebaik saja wayar-wayar itu disambung, tdk ada sebab telefon itu tdk berfungsi; 2. link, menghubungkan: the new highway ~s the two towns, lebuh raya baru itu menghubungkan kedua-dua bandar tersebut; 3. establish telephone communication with, menyambungkan: he asked to be ~ed to the chairman himself, dia meminta supaya disambungkan kpd pengerusi sendiri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
actionn 1. process or state of acting, tindakan, bertindak: an emergency that requires immediate ~, keadaan cemas yg memerlukan tindakan segera; freedom of ~, kebebasan bertindak; a man of ~, orang yg banyak bertindak; 2. act, deed, tindakan, perbuatan: to judge a man by his ~s, menilai sso drpd tindakannya; 3. movement, gerak-geri: the suspect’s every ~ was closely watched, setiap gerak-geri orang yg disyaki itu diawasi dgn teliti; 4. operation, cara [sst] berfungsi, jalannya: describe the ~ of a gear, huraikan cara gear berfungsi; 5. effect, tindakan: the ~ of acid on metal, tindakan asid atas logam; 6. (in a play, film, etc) aksi: a film full of ~, filem yg penuh aksi; 7. legal proceeding, tindakan (undang-undang): civil ~, tindakan sivil; 8. combat, pertempuran: killed in ~, terbunuh dlm pertempuran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
functionaladj 1. rel to a function, fungsi(an): he has ~ authority over his department, dia mempunyai kewibawaan fungsian atas jabatannya; the problem is a ~ one and should be solved in time, masalah itu masalah fungsian dan lama kelamaan dapat diselesaikan; 2. practical rather than decorative, fungsi; (attrib) fungsian: an apron is decorative as well as ~, apron sbg hiasan dan ada fungsinya; a ~ piece of furniture, sebuah perabot fungsian; ~ design, reka bentuk fungsian; 3. working, (of machine) berjalan, berfungsi: these machines are no longer ~, mesin-mesin ini tdk lagi berfungsi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
connection, connexionn 1. act of connecting, penyambungan; 2. association, relationship, hubungan, kaitan: the ~ between crime and poverty, kaitan antara jenayah dan kemiskinan; he no longer has any ~ with the Communist Party, dia tdk lagi mempunyai sebarang hubungan dgn Parti Komunis; 3. a. link between two wires, pipes, etc, sambungan: my computer won’t work. There must be a faulty ~ somewhere, komputer saya tdk berfungsi. Tentu ada sambungan yg rosak di mana-mana;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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