dependence | n bergantung: ~ on drugs, bergantung kpd dadah; she regretted her complete ~ on her husband, dia menyesal krn bergantung sepenuhnya kpd suaminya; the ~ of good harvest on soil condition, hasil tanaman yg baik bergantung kpd keadaan tanah; /place, put/ ~ on so., mengharapkan, mempercayai sso: don’t place too much ~ on so’s ability, jangan terlalu mempercayai kebolehan sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depend | ~ /on, upon/, a. rely on, need, bergantung kpd: he ~ed on a scholarship for funds, dia bergantung kpd biasiswa sbg biayanya; b. be influenced, determined by, bergantung kpd: wages will ~ on qualifications, gaji akan bergantung kpd kelulusan; our decision will ~ on the recommendations of the commission, keputusan kami akan bergantung kpd syor-syor suruhanjaya itu; c. trust, be sure of, mengharapkan, mempercayai: we can ~ on him to keep his promise, kita boleh mengharapkannya utk menunaikan janjinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dependent | adj 1. relying for support, bergantung: she will always be ~ on her parents, dia akan sentiasa bergantung kpd ibu bapanya; 2. influenced, determined by, bergantung: the success of the campaign is ~ on media coverage, kejayaan kempen itu bergantung kpd liputan media. 3. subordinate, tanggungan: a ~ state, negara tanggungan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depend | vi; /it all, that/ ~s, bergantung pd keadaan; (foll by n clause) itu bergantung pd, tengoklah: it all ~s who the target reader is, itu bergantung pd siapa pembaca sasarannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clinging | adj suka bergantung pd orang: she is the ~ sort, dia suka bergantung pd orang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
independent | 7. not depending on others, esp financially, /berdikari, tdk bergantung kpd sso/ (dr segi kewangan): she yearns to earn her own money and be ~, dia ingin bekerja dan tdk bergantung kpd sesiapa dr segi kewangan; to be financially ~, tdk bergantung kpd orang lain dr segi kewangan; of ~ means, berdikari, berpendapatan sendiri: a woman of ~ means, wanita yg berdikari; 8. that does not receive money from the government, swasta: an ~ radio station, stesen radio swasta; ~ schools, sekolah-sekolah swasta; 9. (math) tak bersandar: ~ variable, pemboleh ubah tak bersandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bind | ~ up with; be bound up with, bergantung pd: the future of the country is bound up with the ruling power, masa depan negara itu bergantung pd kuasa yg memerintah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contingent | adj (fml) 1. dependent, bergantung: his future is ~ on the result of the election, masa depannya bergantung pd keputusan pilihan raya itu; 2. accidental, secara kebetulan: the discovery of uranium and its ~ advantages, penemuan uranium dan faedahnya yg secara kebetulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
independent | be ~ of (so.) be not dependent on (so.), tdk bergantung kpd (sso): she hoped that one day she would be ~ of her family, dia berharap bahawa satu hari nanti dia tdk akan bergantung pd keluarganya lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interdependent | adj saling bergantung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |