close | ~ by, berhampiran, berdekatan; ~ / on, upon/, almost, hampir: he was ~ on eighty, umurnya hampir lapan puluh tahun; ~ to, at only a short distance from, berhampiran dgn, dekat dgn: she sat ~ to me, dia duduk dekat dgn saya; they live ~ to the post office, mereka tinggal berhampiran dgn pejabat pos; ~ to home, hampir mengenai sasaran; ~ together, dekat-dekat: to stand ~ together, berdiri dekat-dekat; come ~ to, almost, hampir(-hampir): she came ~ to losing her job, dia hampir-hampir dibuang kerja; sail ~ to the wind, a. belayar menyongsong angin; b. (fig.) hampir melanggar tatasusila: he sails ~ to the wind in his criticism of the government, dia hampir melanggar tatasusila dlm kritikannya thdp kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contiguous | adj (fml) 1. (sharing common boundary) bersempadan; (next to each other) bersebelahan; (near) berdekatan, berhampiran: his property is ~ to ours, tanah kepunyaannya bersempadan dgn tanah kami; the ~ town, bandar yg berhampiran; 2. next in order or time, berikutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
closeness | n 1. nearness, dekat, berhampiran, berdekatan: they liked the house because of its ~ to the school, mereka suka akan rumah itu krn dekat dgn sekolah; 2. compactness, rapatnya; 3. intimacy, kekariban: many people envied their ~, ramai orang yg iri hati thdp kekariban mereka; 4. strictness, rigorousness, kerapian; 5. thoroughness, ketelitian; 6. faithfulness, quality of not deviating, ketepatan; 7. oppressiveness, kesesakan (udara): the ~ of the room, kesesakan udara bilik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard | ~ at it, sedang bekerja /keras, kuat/; ~ by, /berdekatan, berhampiran/ dgn; be ~ done by, diperlakukan dgn tdk adil; be ~ put (to it ) , sukar, susah: he will be ~ put to win this race, sukar baginya utk memenangi perlumbaan ini; ~ up, kesempitan wang; be ~ up for st, a. be in great need of st, sangat memerlukan sst; b. want st badly, hendak sangat sst; c. be at a loss for (ideas) ketandusan (idea); play ~ to get, jual mahal; take it ~, terlalu sedih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backyard | n kawasan belakang (rumah); in o’s own ~, berhampiran (dgn sso). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crop | ~ out, menyingkap: rocks ~ out near the top of the hill, batu-batu menyingkap berhampiran dgn puncak bukit itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anywhere | b./b> at all close to (being) hampir; (in relation to distance) dekat, /berdekatan, berhampiran/ dgn; (in relation to time) dekat, hampir; (used with negative) see NOWHERE (nowhere near): are you ~ near finished?, adakah kamu hampir siap?; we cannot say that we are ~ near achieving our objective, kita tdk boleh mengatakan bahawa kita hampir mencapai matlamat kita; do you live ~ near Kuala Lumpur?, adakah kamu tinggal berdekatan dgn Kuala Lumpur?; is it ~ near time to go home?, adakah hampir masanya utk kita pulang?; get ~, berjaya: you won’t get ~ with that negative attitude, kamu tdk akan berjaya dgn sikap negatif spt itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | by ~, dgn tangan: was this embroidery done by ~?, adakah sulaman ini dibuat dgn tangan?; a letter to be delivered by ~, surat yg akan dihantar dgn tangan; (close, near) at ~, a. within easy reach, /dekat, berhampiran /dgn + approp n: this place is quite convenient as the shops are close at ~, tempat ini sesuai krn kedai-kedai berhampiran dgn rumah; b. imminent, sudah hampir: the final examinations are close at ~, peperiksaan akhir sudah hampir; peace is at ~, keamanan sudah hampir; come to ~, turn up, dijumpai: the latest evidence has just come to ~, bukti terbaru telah pun dijumpai akhir-akhir ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | adv 1. near, at hand, dekat (situ, sana): people standing ~, orang-orang yg berdiri dekat situ; /close, near/ ~, berdekatan, berhampiran; 2. past, lalu: he hurried ~ without a word, dia lalu tergesa-gesa tanpa sepatah kata pun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conveniently | adv in a way that suit o’s purpose, utk kemudahan sso; (derog) sengaja: the post office is ~ near the bus-stop, pejabat pos berhampiran dgn perhentian bas utk kemudahan orang ramai; she ~ forgot to inform me of the meeting, dia sengaja lupa memberitahu saya ttg mesyuarat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |