be | would– ~, /berhasrat, berharap/ utk menjadi: he is a would– ~ artist, dia berharap utk menjadi pelukis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hope | vt (ber)harap: I ~ he will win, saya berharap dia akan menang; I ~ that you are well, saya harap kamu sihat; I ~ and pray that you’ll return safely, saya berharap dan berdoa agar kamu akan pulang dgn selamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
calculate | ~ /on, upon/, a. (st) mengharapkan; b. (doing st) berharap akan: to ~ on a good harvest this year, mengharapkan hasil tuaian yg baik tahun ini; he ~d on arriving before noon, dia berharap akan tiba sebelum tengah hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bank1 | ~ on, /terlalu, sangat/ mengharapkan; ~ on (doing st), berharap dapat (berbuat sst): don’t ~ on your relatives helping you out, jangan terlalu mengharapkan saudara-mara menolong kamu; we are ~ing on the weather being fine, kami sangat mengharapkan agar cuaca baik; he’s ~ing on leaving before the weekend, dia berharap dapat bertolak sebelum hujung minggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hope | ~ against; ~ against ~, tetap berharap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
continuance | n act of continuing, berterusan, berlanjutan, berpanjangan: we hope for a ~ of your patronage, kami berharap agar kunjungan tuan akan berterusan; ~ of the famine would bring disaster to the country, sekiranya kebuluran ini berterusan, negara akan mengalami bencana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | I’m expecting my second child and I hope ~ will be a boy, saya mengandung anak kedua dan berharap anak dlm kandungan saya ini lelaki; the baby is now five months old; ~ has black hair and brown eyes, bayi itu berumur lima bulan; rambutnya hitam dan matanya coklat; the baby’s crying again; perhaps there’s something wrong with the milk ~ has been drinking, bayi itu menangis lagi; mungkin susu yg diminumnya tdk elok; ii. (used as obj of verb) -nya; (in pass. contruction) dia, ia, [or not translated]: we could not help wondering what would happen to the baby once ~ was born, kami tertanya-tanya apa akan terjadi pd bayi itu sebaik sahaja dia dilahirkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hope | ~ for, expect, mengharap-harapkan: the house we bought was not what we had ~d for, rumah yg kami beli bukanlah yg kami harap-harapkan; ~ for the best, berharap: the doctor says there’s very little chance of recovery. All we can do is ~ for the best, doktor mengatakan bahawa harapan utk sembuh sangat tipis. Yg boleh kita buat hanyalah berharap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | give a ~, memberikan petunjuk: I hope you can give me a ~ as to how to act, saya berharap kamu dapat memberikan petunjuk bagaimana saya harus bertindak; have a ~, mendahului yg lain: he had a ~ of several yards when he fell, ketika dia jatuh, dia telah pun mendahului yg lain sejauh beberapa ela; in the ~, mendahului yg lain: in the earlier part of the race, she was in the ~, pd permulaan perlumbaan itu, dia mendahului yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clean | b. remove rubbish, dirt etc so as to leave a place clean, [various translations]: I wish you would ~ up this mess, saya berharap-harap sangat kamu akan membersihkan tempat yg berselerak ini; to ~ up food spills, mengelap tumpahan makanan; he ~ed up the broken glass at once, dia membuang serpihan kaca itu dgn segera; c. make place free from crime, corruption, vice, etc, membersihkan sst (drpd kegiatan yg tdk menyenangkan): the new Inspector General of Police took immediate action to ~ up the city, Ketua Polis Negara yg baru mengambil tindakan segera utk membersihkan bandar itu drpd kegiatan yg tdk menyenangkan; d. (colloq) make (money) kaut, sapu bersih: he ~ed up a cool million at the casino, dia sapu bersih sejuta ringgit di kasino itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |