fruitful | adj 1. producing results, berhasil: our discussions have been ~, perbincangan kami berhasil; a ~ career, kerjaya yg berhasil; 2. (old-fashioned) a. bearing fruit in abundance, berbuah lebat; b. fertile, subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
avail | n ; of /no, little/ ~, to no ~, tdk berhasil, sia-sia sahaja: efforts to save the company were of no ~, usaha-usaha utk menyelamatkan syarikat itu tdk berhasil; of what ~ is it...?, apa /gunanya, faedahnya/...?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charm | n 1. magical formula, act, jampi, mantera, sihir; work like a ~, betul-betul berhasil: his gentle persuasion worked like a ~, pujukannya yg lembut itu betul-betul berhasil; 2. thing worn to avert evil, tangkal; 3. attractiveness, daya tarikan: the ~ of Mozart’s music, daya tarikan muzik Mozart; a woman of great ~, wanita yg mempunyai daya tarikan yg hebat; 4. (in pl) sexual attractiveness, daya tarikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ through, a. be approved, diluluskan: my application for a work permit has ~ne through, permohonan saya utk mendapatkan permit kerja telah diluluskan; b. be successfully completed, berhasil: the business deal went through, urusan perniagaan itu berhasil; ~ through st, a. penetrate st, menembusi sst: the road ~es through the mountain, jalan itu menembusi gunung; the nail went through his foot, paku itu menembusi kakinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blank | draw a ~, tdk /mencapai, mendapat, memperoleh/ apa-apa hasil, tdk berhasil sama sekali: the investigation into the kidnapping drew a ~, penyiasatan ttg penculikan itu tdk mencapai apa-apa hasil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fruit | bear ~, a. berbuah; b. (fig.) memberi buah, /membawa, membuahkan, mendatangkan/ hasil, berhasil; be in ~, sedang berbuah; the ~s of the earth, hasil tanaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fruitless | adj 1. bearing no fruit, tdk berbuah: 2. having no result, tdk berhasil, sia-sia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
admonition, admonishment | n 1. mild reproof, teguran: ~ can often be more productive than punishment, teguran sering lebih berhasil drpd hukuman; 2. warning, caution, peringatan: they paid little heed to the teacher’s ~ to be careful, mereka tdk berapa mempedulikan peringatan guru supaya berhati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cause | in the ~ of, demi: to fight in the ~ of justice, berjuang demi keadilan; lost ~, usaha yg pasti /gagal, kecewa/, usaha yg tdk berhasil; make common ~ with, menyebelahi, memihak kpd: to make common ~ with the enemy, menyebelahi musuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ asleep, tertidur; ~ dumb, menjadi bisu; ~ foul, clash, bertelingkah; ~ /ill, sick/, jatuh sakit; ~ on hard times, ditimpa kesusahan; ~ prey to, menjadi mangsa kpd; ~ short, a. fail to attain, tdk berhasil; (of missile) tdk mengena: our efforts have ~en short, usaha-usaha kami tdk berhasil; all the shots fell short, semua tembakan itu tdk mengena; b. be deficient, berkurangan: the food supply is ~ing short, bekalan makanan kian berkurangan; ~ short of, tdk mencapai: his results ~ short of expectations, hasilnya tdk mencapai jangkaan; ~ silent, menjadi senyap; ~ to o’s /lot, share/, menjadi kewajipan sso; ~ to pieces, jatuh /berkecai, berderai/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |