discreet | adj 1. prudent, cautious, tdk menimbulkan syak, berhati-hati; (of person) bijaksana: ~ enquiries, pertanyaan yg berhati-hati; a ~ secretary, setiausaha yg bijaksana; 2. not too obvious, tdk menonjol: ~ elegance, keanggunan yg tdk menonjol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
favour | 4. (colloq) resemble, lebih mirip wajah: the child ~s its grandmother, kanak-kanak itu lebih mirip wajah neneknya; 5. treat gently, berhati-hati thdp: the footballer ~ed his injured leg, pemain bola itu berhati-hati thdp kakinya yg cedera itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
careful | adj 1. cautious, heedful, hati-hati, cermat: a ~ driver, pemandu yg hati-hati; be ~, berhati-hati; 2. thorough, teliti: a ~ study, suatu kajian yg teliti; 3. frugal, cermat, jimat, hemat: he is ~ with his money, dia cermat dgn wangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laurel | look to o’s ~s, lebih /berhati-hati, berjaga-jaga/ agar kedudukan sso tdk tergugat: with all the new talent around him, he will have to look to his ~s, dgn munculnya bakat-bakat baru, dia harus lebih berhati-hati agar kedudukannya tdk tergugat; rest on o’s ~s, berpuas hati dgn kejayaan sso: he has been resting on his ~s and hasn’t achieved much this year, dia berpuas hati dgn kejayaannya dan tdk banyak yg dicapainya tahun ini; /win, gain/ o’s ~s, /memperoleh, mencapai/ kejayaan: he has won many ~s in his profession, dia telah memperoleh kejayaan yg banyak dlm profesionnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guarded | adj cautious, (ber)hati-hati: the minister made a ~ statement to the press, menteri itu membuat kenyataan yg hati-hati kpd pihak akhbar; ~ reply, jawapan yg berhati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
caution | n 1. wariness, heedfulness, sikap /(ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada/: a task requiring ~, satu tugas yg memerlukan sikap berhati-hati; /exercise, use/ ~, (ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada; with ~, dgn /(ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada/: this is a matter of national interest, you must proceed with ~, ini ialah soal kepentingan negara, kamu mesti menjalankannya dgn berwaspada; 2. warning, a. (gen) amaran: he was let off with a ~, dia dibebaskan dgn amaran; b. (on road signs) Awas!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ down, a. descend, turun: be careful when you ~ down the stairs, berhati-hati apabila kamu turun tangga; b. become lower, turun: his temperature went down, suhu badannya turun; the price didn’t ~ down, harganya tdk turun; c. sink, tenggelam, terbenam: the ship went down during the storm, kapal itu tenggelam semasa ribut; the sun went down behind the mountains, matahari terbenam di balik gunung; d. fall to the ground, jatuh: the plane went down in the thick fog, kapal terbang itu jatuh dlm kabut tebal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kid glove | n sarung tangan kulit anak kambing; handle so. with ~s, memperlakukan sso dgn amat berhati-hati: knowing she gets offended easily, you have to handle her with ~s, krn tahu akan sifatnya yg mudah tersinggung, kamu harus memperlakukanny | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forethought | n 1. prior thought, consideration, berfikir terlebih dulu: I wish I’d had the ~ to bring my umbrella!, kalaulah saya berfikir terlebih dahulu dan membawa payung!; 2. prudence, sikap berhati-hati: her ~ enabled us to live within our means, sikapnya yg berhati-hati membolehkan kami hidup dgn apa yg ada. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | 8. apply paint on a surface, menyapu: be careful to ~ the paint evenly, berhati-hati semasa menyapu cat supaya rata; 9. cause to settle, mengendapkan: he watered the path to ~ the dust, dia menyiram lorong itu utk mengendapkan debu; 10. allay, mengurangkan: he was able to ~ his sister’s doubts with a very convincing explanation, dia dapat mengurangkan keraguan adiknya dgn memberikan penjelasan yg meyakinkan; 11. also ~ flat, bring down with force, knock down to the ground, merebahkan, menyebabkan [sso, sst] rebah: the hail laid the wheat flat, hujan batu telah merebahkan pokok gandum; he was laid flat by the blow, pukulan itu telah menyebabkan dia rebah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |