away | 4. (foll v) a. continuously, dgn tdk berhenti-henti, terus-menerus: to work ~ at o’s job, bekerja dgn tdk berhenti-henti; b. to o’s heart’s content, sekehendak hati: he was singing ~ without a care in the world, dia bernyanyi sekehendak hati tanpa mempedulikan sst apa pun; c. out of existence, habis: the handle has rusted ~, tangkainya telah habis berkarat; part of the cupboard has been eaten ~ by white ants, sebahagian drpd almari itu habis dimakan anai-anai; d. (indic activity that is wasteful) sepanjang: to laze ~ the morning, bermalas-malas sepanjang pagi; he slept the day ~, dia tidur sepanjang hari; e. in a different direction, ke arah lain: he quickly glanced ~, dia cepat-cepat memandang ke arah lain; 5. played, scored on opponents’ ground, di tempat lawan: an ~ match, perlawanan di tempat lawan;[for phrases such as drive ~, fire ~, give ~, keep ~, move ~, throw ~, etc see approp verbs]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cease | vi berhenti; (with negative) berhenti-henti: the rain ~d early in the afternoon, hujan berhenti pd awal petang; the sound of hammering did not ~, bunyi ketukan itu tdk berhenti-henti; must ~, mesti dihentikan: the fighting must ~, pertempuran ini mesti dihentikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ceaseless | adj tdk (ber)henti-henti: her ~ chatter, celotehnya yg tdk berhenti-henti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cease | n; without ~, (fml) dgn tdk /henti-hentinya, berhenti-henti/: the battle raged on without ~, pertempuran itu terus bergelora dgn tdk henti-hentinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
donkey | n 1. ass, keldai; 2. stupid person, (orang yg) /baghal, bahlul/; talk the hind leg(s) off a ~, (colloq) bercakap tak berhenti-henti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
and | 10. plus, ditambah, dicampur: two ~ three makes five, dua ditambah tiga jadi lima; 11. (indic repetition, continuous action) a. (of noun) ber [noun]: they walked for miles ~ miles, mereka berjalan berbatu-batu; b. (of verb) tdk berhenti-henti: she cried ~ cried, dia tdk berhenti-henti menangis; c. (of compar adj) bertambah, semakin, (se)makin lama (se)makin [adj]: the waves rose higher ~ higher, ombak semakin tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | ~ the more so, lebih-lebih lagi, apa(tah) lagi: he enjoys visiting Malaysia, ~ the more so if durians are in season, dia suka mengunjungi Malaysia, lebih-lebih lagi kalau durian sedang bermusim; ~ the same, a. unimportant, tdk menjadi hal: it’s ~ the same to me whether he lives or dies, tdk menjadi hal bagi saya sama ada dia hidup atau mati; b. nevertheless, juga, walaupun begitu, namun (begitu): the weather was terrible, but the ceremony went ahead ~ the same, cuaca buruk sekali, tetapi upacara itu diteruskan juga; c. (in expression of thanks), [not translated]: “Would you like to smoke?” “No, thanks ~ the same.”, “Mahu rokok?” “Tidak, terima kasih.”; ~ the time, a. continuouslyi, tdk berhenti-henti; (fml) senantiasa: he practises ~ the time, dia tdk berhenti-henti berlatih; b. see ALONG; ~ told, a. in total, (ke)semuanya: ~ told, 25 people lost their lives, semuanya 25 orang telah terkorban; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | without a ~, terus-menerus; (ref to action, process) tanpa berhenti, tdk /henti-henti, putus-putus/: the plain extends for miles without a ~, dataran itu terbentang terus-menerus berbatu-batu jauhnya; he spoke for two hours without a ~, dia bercakap selama dua jam tanpa berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |