emigrate | vi berhijrah: they have ~d to Australia, mereka sudah berhijrah ke Australia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ on, approach, hampir tiba, sudah hampir, menjelang: as winter drew on, the birds started migrating, apabila musim sejuk hampir tiba burung-burung mula berhijrah; ~ on st, a. breathe in through st, menyedut sst: he drew on his cigarette before replying, dia menyedut rokoknya sebelum menjawab; b. also ~ upon st, use or exploit st, menggunakan sst: in writing the novel, he drew upon his wartime experience, semasa menulis novel itu, dia menggunakan pengalamannya semasa perang; ~ so. on, a. cause so. to continue on his course, (act.) membuat sso terus + approp v; (pass.) terus + approp v: the thought of the reward drew him on, memikirkan ganjarannya membuat dia terus berusaha; ~ st on, (sock, glove, etc) menyarungkan sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dally | ~ with, a. think about but not seriously, berfikir-fikir walaupun tdk sepenuh hati: they dallied with the idea of migrating to Canada, mereka berfikir-fikir, walaupun tdk sepenuh hati, utk berhijrah ke Kanada; b. trifle with, (person) bermain asmara; (person’s affection) mempermainkan: he merely dallied with her, dia hanya bermain asmara dgn gadis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flirtation | n 1. act of flirting with opposite sex, main cinta; 2. brief love affair, main cinta: after a brief ~ with the actor, she migrated to the East Coast, selepas main cinta sekejap dgn pelakon itu dia berhijrah ke Pantai Timur; 3. casual involvement, bermain-main, berfikir-fikir, bertimbang-timbang: after his short-lived ~ with Thatcherism, he joined the Liberal Democrats, setelah bermain-main dgn Thatcherisme sekejap, dia masuk Parti Liberal Demokrat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gumption | n (colloq) 1. common sense, akal: when the television started smoking the young boy had the ~ to switch off the electricity, apabila televisyen itu mula berasap budak itu ada akal utk menutup suis; 2. courage, daring, initiative, keberanian: it takes a lot of ~ to move to a new country and start afresh, berhijrah ke negara lain dan memulakan penghidupan baru memerlukan keberanian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | better ~ up certain foods, kecuali kamu hendak mendapat kencing manis yg teruk, baik kamu berhenti makan makanan yg tertentu; b. stop attempting st, [various translations]: after many attempts, she finally gave up trying to dissuade him from migrating to Canada, setelah mencuba berkali-kali, akhirnya, dia tdk kuasa lagi memujuknya supaya tdk berhijrah ke Kanada; he gave up learning French and took up Mandarin instead, dia berhenti belajar bahasa Perancis tetapi belajar bahasa Mandarin pula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |