expostulate | vi (fml), (with so.) berbantah; (about, on, against st) berhujah membantah; (in direct speech) membantah, bantahnya: she ~d with him about the consequences of such a drastic action, dia berbantah dengannya akibat tindakan drastik begitu; the Iraqi ambassador to the UN ~d about American interference in their internal affairs, duta Iraq ke PBB berhujah membantah campur tangan Amerika dlm hal-hal negaranya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chop 2 | vi & vt; ~ and change, berubah-ubah, bertukar-tukar; ~ logic, berhujah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contrariwise | adv on the contrary, conversely, sebaliknya: in Europe motorists drive on the left hand side, but in England it is ~, di Eropah pemandu membawa kereta di sebelah kiri tetapi di England sebaliknya; I argued for reform and he argued ~, saya berhujah menyokong perubahan tetapi dia berhujah sebaliknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circle | a ~ of /people, animals, things/ around /so., st/, /orang-orang, binatang, benda/ di sekeliling /sso, sst/; argue in ~s, berhujah berbalik-balik; come full ~, pulang ke asal; go round in ~s, a. move about confusedly, berpusing-pusing: the tourist went round in ~s trying to find their hotel, pelancong itu berpusing-pusing mencuba mencari hotelnya; b. use long complicated method, bercakap berbelit-belit: he always goes round in ~s when he tries to explain something, dia selalu bercakap berbelit-belit apabila dia mencuba menghuraikan sesuatu; c. go over the same ideas, berbalik-balik: they kept going round in ~s trying to decide what to do next, mereka berbalik-balik semasa mencuba menentukan apa yg harus dibuat selepas itu; /sit, stand, etc/ in ~ around /so., st/, /duduk, berdiri, dll/ /mengelilingi, di keliling/ /sso, sst/; vicious ~, a chain of cause and effect, lingkaran /ganas, syaitan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doomsday | n day of the Last Judgement, hari kiamat; till ~, (colloq) sampai kiamat: you can argue from now until ~, but I still won’t agree, kamu boleh berhujah sampai kiamat, tetapi saya tetap tdk setuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dexterity | n 1. skill, deftness, kecekatan, ketangkasan: he displayed considerable ~ on the tennis court, dia menunjukkan kecekatannya di gelanggang tenis; 2. mental adroitness, kecekatan, kepandaian: ~ in argument, kepandaian berhujah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |