following | adj 1. next, after, berikut(nya): the ~ week, minggu berikutnya; the explanation will be found in the ~ pages, keterangan boleh didapati pd halaman-halaman yg berikut; the ~ day, (pd) /keesokannya, keesokan harinya, hari berikutnya/; 2. about to be mentioned, yg berikut: the ~ books are recommended, buku-buku yg berikut disyorkan utk dibaca; the ~, yg berikut: the ~ have been selected to represent the school in the debate, yg berikut telah dipilih utk mewakili sekolah dlm perbahasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chapter | n 1. bab: in the next ~, dlm bab yg berikut; 2. (fig.) bab, babak: a new ~ in his life, bab baru dlm hidupnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |