forgo | vt a. abandon (worldly pleasures) meninggalkan: old Fred forwent worldly pleasures and lived like a hermit, Fred tua itu meninggalkan keseronokan duniawi dan hidup spt seorang petapa; b. let pass (opportunity, right, wage increase) melepaskan: he refused to ~ the opportunity of shaking hands with La Toya, dia enggan melepaskan peluang utk berjabat tangan La Toya; c. sacrifice (holiday, trip) mengorbankan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clasp | vt 1. fasten with clasp, mengancing; (using hook) mencangkukkan; 2. embrace, memeluk, mendakap: ~ing the baby to her bosom, sambil memeluk bayi itu ke dadanya; ~ o’s arms around so., /memeluk, mendakap/ sso; 3. grip, menggenggam: he ~ed the money in his hand, dia menggenggam wang itu dlm tangannya; ~ hands, berjabat tangan; ~ o’s hands, memancakan jari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
across | 5. on the other side of, beyond, di seberang: his office is ~ the road, pejabatnya di seberang jalan; a great and powerful nation ~ the Pacific, negara besar dan berkuasa di seberang Lautan Pasifik; 6. from either side of, dr ke dua-dua sisi, dr sebelah [n] masing-masing: they shook hands ~ the table, dr ke dua-dua sisi meja or dr sebelah meja masing-masing mereka berjabat tangan; 7. the other side of, sebelah sana: to smile at so. from ~ the room, tersenyum pd sso dr sebelah sana bilik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |