Maklumat Kata

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jalan (kata nama)
1. Bersinonim dengan jalan raya: lebuh, lebuh raya, laluan, lorong, jejambat, jejantas, persiaran, denai, rintisan, latisan, landasan, rua, ban,

2. Bersinonim dengan usaha: ikhtiar, kesempatan, peluang,

Kata Terbitan : berjalan, berjalan-jalan, menjalani, menjalankan, perjalanan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

flow3. proceed smoothly, berjalan lancar: the conversation did not ~ easily, perbualan itu tdk berjalan lancar; the policeman watched the traffic ~ing down the motorway, polis itu memperhatikan lalu lintas berjalan lancar di lebuh raya; 4. (of tide) rise, naik, pasang: the tide is beginning to ~, air mula naik; 5. come or derive (from so., st) datang(nya): in mediaeval Europe all power ~ed from the monarch, di zaman pertengahan Eropah kesemua kuasa datang dr raja; 6. continue smoothly, meluncur: his speech ~ed on without hesitation, ucapannya meluncur tanpa tersekat-sekat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
comee. improve in health, semakin sihat: the patient is coming along nicely, pesakit itu semakin sihat; f. make progress, berjalan lancar; (interrog) berkembang, perkembangan: the project is coming along very well, projek itu sedang berjalan lancar; how is the dictionary coming along?, bagaimana dgn perkembangan kamus itu?; g. improve, bertambah baik: his Japanese is coming along fine, penguasaan bahasa Jepunnya bertambah baik; h. arrive by chance, ada: when the opportunity ~s along I’ll take it, bila ada peluang saya akan mengambilnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beginto ~ with, a. at first, mula-mula, pd mulanya: everything went well to ~ with and then it started to rain, pd mulanya semuanya berjalan lancar, tiba-tiba hujan pun turun; b. in the first place, pertama-tama(nya): to ~ with, he lacks experience, pertama-tamanya, dia kurang pengalaman;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
free10. (of movement) unobstructed, lancar: the bridge is wide enough to allow the ~ passage of traffic, jambatan itu cukup luas utk membolehkan lalu lintas berjalan lancar; 11. unattached, lepas: the ~ end of the rope, hujung tali yg lepas; the ~ end of the beam, hujung alang yg lepas; 12. (chem) bebas: ~ hydrogen, hidrogen bebas; 13. (ling) bebas: a ~ morpheme, morfem bebas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
initiallyadv pada mulanya, mula-mula; (used with “what”, “who”, etc) mula-mula: I did not like him ~, pada mulanya, saya tdk suka akan dia; ~, everything went well, mula-mula, semuanya berjalan lancar; I cannot recall what ~ was the problem, saya tdk dapat mengingat kembali apakah mulamula masalah itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
afloat5. in circulation, tersebar; (foll by clause), [not translated]: news of the defeat was soon ~, berita kekalahan itu cepat tersebar; a rumour was ~ that a neighbouring country was involved in the arms sale, ada khabar angin bahawa sebuah negara jiran telah terlibat dlm penjualan senjata itu; 6. successfully functioning, berjalan lancar: after a difficult start, the project is now well ~, selepas bermula dengan penuh kesukaran, projek itu sekarang ini berjalan lancar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gum 1 ~ up; be ~med up, made sticky, lekit, melekat-lekat: my fingers were all ~med up when I finished sticking up the posters, jari-jari saya habis melekat-lekat selepas saya menampal poster-poster itu; ~ up the works, (colloq), (act.) menyebabkan sst terhenti; (pass.) sst terhenti: the project was running smoothly until the newly-appointed head ~med up the works, projek itu berjalan lancar sehingga ketua yg baru dilantik menyebabkan kerja terhenti.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
factapart from the ~ that, selain: apart from the ~ that there was economic recession, the company was also beset by internal problems, selain berlakunya kemelesetan ekonomi, syarikat itu juga menghadapi masalah dalaman; as a matter of ~, in (point of) ~, a. in reality, (yg) sebenarnya: he was not at home, as a matter of ~ he was with me all the time, dia tdk ada di rumah, sebenarnya dia berada bersama-sama saya sepanjang waktu itu; b. indeed, malahan, bahkan: the company hasn’t done well, as a matter of ~ it will wind up soon, syarikat itu tdk berjalan lancar, malahan syarikat itu akan ditutup;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clockworkn sawat jam: the toy train runs by ~, kereta api mainan itu berjalan dgn menggunakan sawat jam; as regular (ly) as ~, tetap pd waktunya: his daily routine is as regular as ~, kebiasaan hariannya tetap pd waktunya; like ~, dgn lancar: the holiday arrangements went like ~, rancangan percutian itu berjalan dgn lancar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jerkyadj 1. (of motion) tersentak-sentak, tersentap-sentap; (of person or any part of person) kekok, canggung: the ~ motion of the train as it started, kereta api itu bergerak tersentak-sentak semasa mula berjalan; a ~ ride in a bullock cart, perjalanan dgn kereta lembu yg tersentak-sentak; the movement of your arms is too ~, gerak tanganmu terlalu kekok; 2. (of style) tdk lancar, tersangkut-sangkut: a ~ style of writing, gaya penulisan yg tdk lancar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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