frugal | adj 1. thrifty, economical, (ber)jimat(-cermat), (ber)hemat: a ~ housewife, suri rumah yg jimat; he led a very ~ life, dia hidup berjimat; 2. not costly, tdk mahal: a ~ meal, makanan tdk mahal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
economy | n 1. (system for the) management of resources, ekonomi: inflation would have adverse effects on the country’s ~, inflasi akan mendatangkan kesan-kesan buruk thdp ekonomi negara; agricultural ~, ekonomi pertanian; 2. avoidance of waste, cermat, hemat, jimat: the household is run with considerable ~, rumah itu diurus dgn begitu cermat; practise ~, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat; 3. instance of avoiding waste, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat: buying cheap cloth is a false ~, membeli kain murah bukan sebenarnya berjimat; with some small economies, you should be able to save more money, dgn berjimat sedikit-sedikit kamu dapat menyimpan lebih banyak wang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |