add | ~ up to, a. be equal to, berjumlah; (of numbers), (men)jadi: their combined assets ~ up to over $3, 000,000, kalau digabungkan aset mereka berjumlah lebih drpd $3, 000, 000; two and two ~ up to four, dua dicampur dua menjadi empat; b. indicate, mean, menunjukkan: it all ~s up to carelessness on his part, kesemuanya ini menunjukkan kecuaiannya; c. amount to, [no specif translation]: the information they have elicited does not ~ up to much, maklumat yg didapat oleh mereka tdk banyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aggregate | vi 1. collect together, berkumpul; 2. (colloq) amount to, berjumlah: profits that ~d 56 million ringgit, keuntungan yg berjumlah 56 juta ringgit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amount | vi; usu ~ to, a. reach a total of, jumlah [sst], [sst] berjumlah: he wanted to know what his debts ~ed to, dia hendak mengetahui jumlah hutangnya; the bill ~ed to one hundred ringgit, bil itu berjumlah seratus ringgit; b. mean, dimaksudkan oleh, maksud, erti; (st) sama seperti, bererti: this is what his statement ~s to, inilah yg dimaksudkan oleh kenyataannya itu; what he did ~ed to embezzlement, yg dilakukannya itu sama seperti penggelapan wang; ~ to little, tdk banyak ertinya; ~ to nothing, tdk bererti: his arguments ~ to nothing, hujah-hujahnya tdk bererti; it ~s to the same thing, itu sama sahaja; will /not, never/ ~ to /much, anything/, tdk akan berjaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assess | ~ st at, menaksir sst bernilai; (of tax, fine) menaksir sst /berjumlah, sebanyak/: the house was ~ed at half a million dollars, rumah itu ditaksir bernilai setengah juta dolar; his income tax was ~ed at M$2,000,cukai pendapatannya ditaksir sebanyak M$2,000. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | b. inclusive of all, termasuk segala-galanya: the house is $800 a month ~ in, bayaran sewa rumah itu berjumlah $800 sebulan termasuk segala-galanya; c. see ALL-IN; ~ in ~, generally speaking, pd keseluruhannya, (pd) umumnya; ~ in one piece, masih utuh; ~ /kinds, manner, sorts/ of n, n + of ~ /kinds, sorts/, berbagai-bagai; (fml) pelbagai, segala jenis; (infml) bermacam-macam, segala macam: this restaurant used to be frequented by ~ manner of people, restoran ini dulu didatangi oleh segala jenis manusia; the new rule caused ~ kinds of problems, peraturan yg baru itu menimbulkan bermacam-macam masalah; ~ of [+ measurement, n indic amount] sekurang-kurangnya, tdk kurang drpd: he was ~ of two metres tall, tingginya sekurang-kurangnya dua meter; that car must have cost ~ of $20,000, harga kereta itu tentu tdk kurang drpd $20,000; ~ of a sudden, (dgn) tiba-tiba, sekonyong-konyong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corpus | n korpus: the ~ of English literature, korpus kesusasteraan Inggeris; the dictionary is based on a ~ of twelve million words, kamus itu berdasarkan korpus yg berjumlah dua belas juta perkataan; ~ albicans, korpus albikans. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | ~ to, a. (in quantity, number, etc) approp v + /lebih kurang, kira-kira/: the cost of the building is expected to ~ to five million ringgit, harga bangunan itu dianggarkan berjumlah lebih kurang lima juta ringgit; b. (in quality, character, etc), [various translations]: his account of the accident ~s to those of the other witnesses, laporannya ttg kemalangan itu hampir sama dgn yg dibuat oleh saksi-saksi yg lain; a man approximating to that description was seen walking towards the village, seorang lelaki yg seakan-akan sama dgn yg digambarkan telah dilihat berjalan ke arah kampung itu; your latest design ~s to what I imagined the stage to be like, rekaan mutakhir kamu ini seakan-akan sama dgn pentas yg saya bayangkan; ~ st to, see vt (sense 2.). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | vt 1. come close to, approach, a. (in quantity, number, etc) approp v + /lebih kurang, kira-kira/: rentals approximating M$18,000 per annum, sewaan yg berjumlah lebih kurang M$18,000 setahun; a cupful ~s eight fluid ounces, satu cawan berukuran lebih kurang lapan auns bendalir; b. (in quantity, character, etc), [various translations]: works of art that ~ perfection, karya seni yg hampir mencapai kesempurnaan; the painting ~s reality, lukisan itu seolah-olah hidup; 2. bring close to, menganggarkan: could you ~ the cost?, bolehkah kamu menganggarkan berapa kosnya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | 4. increase in amount, size, power, etc, pertambahan, bertambah: the baby’s ~ in weight, berat badan bayi yg bertambah; sales aggregated 10,000 tons this year, a ~ of 3% over 1987, jualan tahun ini berjumlah 10,000 tan, pertambahan sebanyak 3% berbanding dgn jualan pd tahun 1987; 5. (in pl) profits, winnings, laba, keuntungan: capital ~s, keuntungan modal; export ~s increased this year, laba eksport bertambah tahun ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deductible | n 1. deducting, pemotongan: the ~ of income tax from wages, pemotongan cukai pendapatan drpd gaji; 2. st deducted, potongan: ~s from his salary amount to $30, potongan drpd gajinya berjumlah $30; 3. deducing, penyimpulan; (tech) pendeduksian; 4. st deduced, kesimpulan; (tech) deduksi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |