afloat | b. (fig.) menyelamatkan sst: the millions required to keep the bank ~, wang berjuta-juta yg diperlukan utk menyelamatkan bank itu ; /remain, stay/ ~, tetap terapung: the ship remained ~ in spite of the gaping hole in her side, kapal itu tetap terapung meskipun terdapat lubang besar di bahagian tepinya; set st ~, a. cause st to float in water, mengapungkan sst: he set his toy boat ~ on the pond, dia mengapungkan bot mainannya di kolam itu; b. launch st, melancarkan sst: the scheme was set ~ last week, skim itu dilancarkan minggu lalu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
death-warrant | n 1. breaking up of ice, debakel; 2. complete failure, kegagalan yg teruk: the multi-million dollar film was a ~, filem yg memakan belanja berjuta-juta dolar itu merupakan satu kegagalan yg teruk; 3. sudden collapse, kejatuhan [sst] yg tiba-tiba: the Wall Street ~ of 1929, kejatuhan pasaran saham Wall Street yg tiba-tiba dlm tahun 1929; 4. general, violent dispersion, huru-hara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
claim | 3. assert o’s ownership of, menuntut: no one ~ed the watch found in the premises, tdk ada yg menuntut jam tangan yg dijumpai di perkarangan bangunan itu; 4. take, account for, meragut: an epidemic that has ~ed thousands of lives, wabak yg telah meragut beribu-ribu nyawa; 5. call for, memerlukan: his work ~s his whole attention, tugasnya memerlukan sepenuh perhatiannya; 6. deserve, berhak mendapat: the plight of the starving millions ~s our sympathy, penderitaan berjuta-juta orang yg kebuluran itu berhak mendapat simpati kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. in, membawa sso masuk: his secretary brought the visitors in, setiausahanya membawa pelawat-pelawat itu masuk; ~ (st) in, a. cause st to come in, membawa sst masuk: ~ in another plate please, tolong bawa masuk satu pinggan lagi; b. gather st, memungut sst: the farmers are ~ing the apples in early this year, tahun ini peladang-peladang memungut epal awal; c. produce st, /menghasilkan, membawa masuk/ sst: income tax ~s in millions of dollars, cukai pendapatan membawa masuk berjuta-juta dolar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dot | vt 1. place dot over, membubuh titik pd, menitik: to ~ the “i”s, membubuh titik pd huruf-huruf “i”; ~ /the, o’s/ i’s and cross /the, o’s/ t’s, approp v + dgn teliti: the boss is very fussy; you’ll have to learn to ~ your i’s and cross your t’s, bos itu sangat cerewet; kamu mesti bekerja dgn teliti; 2. mark with dots, membubuh titik pd: he ~ted the area affected by the floods, dia membubuh titik pd kawasan yg terlibat dgn banjir: 3. cover with st resembling dots, (usu pass.) bertaburan di: the night sky was ~ted with millions of stars, berjuta-juta bintang bertaburan di langit malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |