related | adj 1. connected, berkait(an): the strike will affect the automobile industry and all ~ industries, mogok itu akan mendatangkan kesan kpd industri kereta dan semua industri yg berkaitan; the two problems are closely ~, kedua-dua masalah itu berkait rapat; 2. connected by a family relationship, bersaudara: he is distantly ~ to me, dia bersaudara jauh dgn saya; they are ~ by marriage, mereka bersaudara melalui perkahwinan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mess | isinya tdk berkait dan tdk tepat; it makes me sick to see what a ~ the telephone system is in, melihat sistem telefon yg bercelaru membuat saya berasa jengkel; b. st dirty, kotoran; (of st burnt), [not translated]: sh | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
link | ~ up, a. join, connect, (of television, spacecraft, computer, etc) bersambung; (of association, army, party, etc) bergabung; (of research, work, etc) berkait: the two spacecraft will ~ up in orbit at 10:35 hours, dua buah kapal angkasa akan bersambung dlm orbit pd jam 10:35; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
link | the Black Eagle Group ~ed up with the Tigers at the border, Kumpulan Helang Hitam bergabung dgn Tentera Harimau di sempadan; his research on the virus ~s up with the work I’m doing, penyelidikannya ttg virus itu berkait dgn kerja yg sedang saya lakukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allied | adj 1. joined, a. (by treaty) bersekutu, berikat: the ~ forces, kuasa-kuasa bersekutu; b. usu A~, Pihak Berikat; 2. connected, berkait(an), berhubung(an): closely ~ to his lack of self-confidence was his fear of being ridiculed, bahawa dia takut dipersendakan berkaitan rapat dgn kurangnya kepercayaan thdp dirinya sendiri; 3. connected by likeness, resemblance, descent, berkaitan: biology and ~ sciences, biologi dan bidang-bidang ilmu sains berkaitan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |