dumbly | adv dgn bungkam, tanpa berkata-kata: she shook her head ~, dia menggelengkan kepalanya tanpa berkata-kata; when I asked him his name, the boy just stared ~ at me, apabila saya menanyakan namanya, budak itu hanya merenung saya dgn bungkam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glib | adj (derog) a. (of person) speaking fluently but is often not sincere, petah (lidah), pandai berkata-kata: he is far too ~ a talker, dia sangat pandai berkata-kata; b. (of remark, arguments, excuses, etc) spoken fluently but often insincerely, lincir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glibness | n (of person) kepetahan, sifat pandai berkata-kata: his ~ did not impress her, dia tdk tertarik dgn kepetahannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
articulate | adj 1. able to express os clearly, fluently, pandai /bercakap, bertutur/, petah berkata-kata: a clever and ~ man, lelaki yg bijak dan pandai bercakap; he was not ~ enough to express his feelings, dia tdk begitu pandai bercakap utk melahirkan perasaannya; 2. having power of speech, dapat /bercakap, bertutur/; 3. distinct, clear, jelas, terang: his speech was not ~, pertuturannya tdk jelas; 4. (biol) artikulat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jittery | adj gugup, gementar, gentar: she was so ~ she could hardly talk, dia terlalu gugup sehingga tdk dapat berkata-kata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inarticulate | adj 1. not able to express os clearly, fluently, tdk pandai /bercakap, bertutur/, tdk petah bercakap: he is a good organiser but rather ~, dia seorang penyelenggara yg cekap tetapi tdk petah bercakap; 2. (of speech, language) tdk jelas; 3. incapable of speech esp under stress, tdk dapat berkata-kata: he was quite ~ with anger, dia tdk dapat berkata-kata rn marah; 4. (zool) not jointed, tak artikulat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barely | adv 1. only just, baru (sahaja): he had ~ sat down when the telephone rang, dia baru sahaja duduk apabila telefon itu berdering; he died when he was ~ thirty, dia meninggal dunia sewaktu baru berusia 30 tahun; ~ enough, cukup-cukup (sahaja): there is ~ enough food for a week, bekalan makanan cukup-cukup sahaja utk seminggu; there is ~ enough time to get to the airport, masa cukup-cukup sahaja utk sampai ke lapangan terbang; 2. hardly, scarcely, hampir tdk: the old man was so shocked that he could ~ speak, orang tua itu begitu terkejut sehingga hampir tdk dapat berkata-kata; the room was ~ furnished, bilik itu hampir tdk ada perabotnya; ~ alive, hampir-hampir mati, tinggal nyawa-nyawa ikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coo | vt berkata dgn lembut: “Everything’s going fine”, he ~ed, “Semuanya berjalan dgn baik”, dia berkata dgn lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boom1 | vt berkata dgn lantang: “Sit down and be quite,” he ~ed, “Duduk dan jangan buat bising,” dia berkata dgn lantang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | c. (in negative sentences) i. (not) in the slightest, (not) in any way, (tdk) sama sekali, sama sekali (tdk); (colloq), (tdk) langsung: I didn’t say that at ~, saya sama sekali tdk berkata demikian; not at ~ worried, tdk khuatir sama sekali or sama sekali tdk khuatir; ii. (with negative adj) bukan [negative adj], (memang) [positive adj] juga: it’s not at ~ impossible, bukan tdk mungkin or (memang) mungkin juga; iii. (not) in reality, sebenarnya: they said he was sick, but he wasn’t at ~, mereka berkata dia sakit, tapi sebenarnya tidak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |