able | adj berkebolehan; (in a given skill) mahir: an ~ politician, seorang ahli politik yg berkebolehan; one of the more ~ students in the class, salah seorang penuntut yg lebih berkebolehan dlm darjahnya; an ~ carpenter, tukang kayu yg mahir; be ~ to, a. (gen) dapat, boleh: be ~ to speak four languages, dapat bertutur dlm empat bahasa; be ~ to walk, dapat berjalan; b. have right, power, etc to, boleh: only Parliament is ~ to make laws, hanya Parlimen yg boleh menggubal undang-undang; c. have financial means to, mampu, dapat: she was ~ to pay the rent, dia mampu membayar sewa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capable | adj berkebolehan: a ~ administrator, seorang pentadbir yg berkebolehan; be ~ of, a. have the ability to, berupaya: children are not ~ of looking after their own interests, kanak-kanak tdk berupaya menjaga kepentingan diri mereka sendiri; b. have financial means to, mampu, berkemampuan; c. have no hesitation for, sanggup: a person who is ~ of any crime, seorang yg sanggup melakukan sebarang perbuatan jenayah; he is not ~ of lying, dia tdk sanggup berbohong; d. be receptive to, dapat: the situation is ~ of improvement, keadaan itu dapat diperbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incapability | n incapacity, tdk berkebolehan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deficient | adj kurang: a diet ~ in vitamin C, diet yg kurang vitamin C; he is ~ in ability, dia kurang berkebolehan; mentally ~, kurang dr segi mental. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
helm | n 1. kemudi; 2. (fig.), /pucuk, teraju/ pimpinan: with someone capable at the ~ , the country will become politically and economically strong, dgn adanya seorang yg berkebolehan dlm pucuk pimpinan, negara akan menjadi kuat dr segi politik dan ekonomi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
job | ~s for the boys, (colloq & derog), (amalan) tolong-tolong kawan dan saudara: no more ~s for the boys, only work for those who are capable and qualified, amalan tolong-tolong kawan dan saudara tdk wujud lagi, dan kerja akan diberikan hanya kpd mereka yg berkebolehan serta berkelayakan; (and) a good /~, thing/ too, (colloq), (used by speaker to show he approves of or is pleased by some news etc), /eloklah, baguslah/ tu: “I brought along two pairs of jungle boots” “A good ~ too. I forgot to bring mine!”, “Saya bawa dua pasang but hutan” “Eloklah tu. Saya terlupa bawa but saya!”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aspersion | n 1. harmful, slanderous remark, fitnah; cast ~s on, memfitnah; (so’s good name, reputation) memburukkan, mencemarkan; (so’s honour) mencemarkan: the article cast ~s on his ability as a leader, rencana itu memfitnahnya dgn mengatakan bahawa dia tdk berkebolehan sbg pemimpin; to cast ~s on so’s character, menfitnah sso; to cast ~s on so’s honour, mencemarkan kehormatan sso; 2. act of aspersing,pemfitnahan, memfitnah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drive | n 1. trip, journey in vehicle, perjalanan dgn + approp n: a two-hour ~ to Tanjung Malim, perjalanan dgn kereta selama dua jam ke Tanjung Malim; 2. see DRIVEWAY; 3. organized effort, kempen: austerity ~, kempen berjimat cermat; 4. (sport) pukul deras; backhand ~, pukul kilas; 5. push, dorongan: he is able but he lacks ~, dia berkebolehan tetapi kurang dorongan; 6. inner urge, desakan: the sex ~, desakan jantina; 7. means by which motion is transmitted, pemacu: belt ~, pemacu tali sawat; front-wheel ~, pemacu roda depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anywhere | ~ else, a. any place in addition (to this) ke mana(-mana) lagi: would you like to go ~ else?, kamu hendak ke mana-mana lagi?; b. any place different (from this) ke tempat lain: if you go ~ else I will be furious, kalau kamu pergi ke tempat lain, saya akan meradang; ~ /from, between/, antara: he would be ~ from thirty to forty years old, dia mungkin berusia antara tiga puluh hingga empat puluh tahun; ~ near, a. in any degree, [not translated]: is he ~ near as capable as his brother?, adakah dia berkebolehan spt abangnya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |