gloss 1 | n 1. lustre, sheen, kilat, berkilat: continual wiping with a wet cloth will take the ~ off the table, selalu mengesat dgn kain basah akan menghilangkan kilat meja itu; her hair has a healthy ~, rambutnya sihat dan berkilat; high ~, /sangat, amat/ berkilat: the brassware has been polished to a high ~, barang logam itu telah digilap sehingga menjadi amat berkilat; 2. deceptive, superficial appearance, topeng: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glossy | adj 1. smooth and shiny, licau, berkilat: a ~ photograph, gambar licau; ~ hair, rambut yg berkilat; 2. superficially delightful, pleasant, indah-indah: a ~ picture of life in Hollywood, gambaran yg indah-indah ttg kehidupan di Hollywood. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleaming | adj 1. glowing, bercahaya, bersinar: a tiger’s ~ eyes, mata harimau yg bercahaya; 2. reflecting brightly, berkilat: a ~ brass doorknob, tombol pintu loyang yg berkilat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleam | vi 1. glow, bercahaya, bersinar: a candle ~ed in the dark, sebatang lilin bercahaya dlm kegelapan; 2. reflect brightly, berkilat: she polished the table until it ~ed, dia menggilap meja itu sehingga berkilat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash | vi 1. a. emit light suddenly, memancar, berdenyar; (of lightning) mengilat, memancar, berdenyar: the beacon ~ed once every twenty seconds, suar itu memancar sekali setiap dua puluh saat; lightning ~ed across the sky, kilat mengilat di langit; b. reflect light, mengilap, mengilat, berkilat, memancar: he pounced, the knife ~ing in his hand, dia menerkam, pisau berkilat-kilat di tangannya; c. (of eyes) bersinar: Kim’s eyes ~ed with sudden anger, mata Kim bersinar krn tiba-tiba marah; 2. move swiftly, approp v + secepat kilat; (of time) berlalu dgn /pantas, cepat/: the speeding car ~ed past, kereta yg laju itu meluncur lalu secepat kilat; time ~ed by, waktu berlalu dgn pantas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buff1 | vt menggilap: he ~ed the metal till it shone, dia menggilap logam itu hingga berkilat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coat | n 1. (outer garment), (baju) kot; 2. (of animal) bulu: the horse’s ~ was black and glossy, bulu kuda itu hitam dan berkilat; 3. layer covering sb, lapis(an): he applied two ~s of paint to the surface, dia menyapukan dua lapis cat pd permukaan itu; he scrawled his name in the ~ of dust on the table, dia menconteng namanya pd lapisan habuk di atas meja itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brassy | adj 1. shamelessly bold, tdk tahu malu: a ~ redhead, wanita berambut perang yg tdk tahu malu; 2. harsh, metallic, nyaring: the ~ sound of a trumpet, bunyi trompet yg nyaring; 3. like brass, (in colour) spt loyang: the metal had a ~ sheen, logam itu berkilat spt loyang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |