jog | vi 1. (colloq) run slowly, berlari-lari anak, berlari perlahan-lahan, berjoging: they ~ged around the field, mereka berlari-lari anak di keliling padang itu; 2. move slowly shaking from side to side, up and down, terenjut-enjut: the bullock cart ~ged along the dirt road, kereta lembu tersebut terenjut-enjut di sepanjang jalan tanah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jogger | n orang yg /berlari-lari anak, berlari perlahan-lahan, berjoging/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jog | n slow run esp for exercise, berlari-lari anak, berlari perlahan-lahan, joging; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dash | n 1. rush, meluru, berlari; make a ~, meluru, berlari: to make a ~ for cover, meluru mencari perlindungan; the dog made a ~ at the postman, anjing itu meluru ke arah posmen itu; 2. small admixture, splash, sedikit: a ~ of vinegar, sedikit cuka; a ~ of red, sedikit warna merah; 3. sudden burst, splash, (of water) simbahan, menyimbah: a ~ of cold water will revive him, simbahan air akan menyedarkannya semula; 4. sound of water striking, a. (of wave, sea, etc) desau, deburan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dash | ~ into, rush into, /meluru, berlari/ /masuk ke, ke dlm/: to ~ into a room, meluru masuk ke bilik; (the sea), /meluru, menerpa, berlari/ ke; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | ~ off, (colloq) berlari; (imper) pergi: when he saw the angry farmer, he ~ed off as fast as he could, apabila dia ternampak petani yg sedang marah itu, dia cepat-cepat berlari dr situ; “C~ off!” he shouted, “Pergi!” dia bertempik; ~ st off, a. finish st, menyelesaikan sst: to ~ off the pile of work that had accumulated, menyelesaikan kerja yg telah bertimbun; b. pay (debt) /melunaskan, melangsaikan, membayar/ sst: it took him six years to ~ off his debts, dia mengambil masa enam bulan utk melunaskan hutang-piutangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | ~ /about, around/ the bush, bercakap berbelit-belit; ~ a path (through st) merintis jalan (meredah sst); ~ a retreat, run away, berlari tergopoh-gopoh: when they saw the headmaster they ~ a hasty retreat, apabila ternampak saja guru besar, mereka berlari tergopoh-gopoh; ~ it, (sl) pergi; ~ o’s brains (out) /memeras, memerah/ otak; ~ o’s breast, /menebah, menampar-nampar, memukul-mukul/ dada; ~ so. hollow, mengalahkan sso dgn teruk; ~ so’s brains out, (sl) memukul sso sehingga pecah kepala; ~ time, mengikut /rentak, irama/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jogtrot | n (of horse) berlari perlahan-lahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dart | make a ~, rush, meluru, berlari: he made a ~ for the gate, dia meluru ke pintu pagar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foot | /fleet, swift, etc/ of ~, (liter. or archaic), /berjalan, berlari [as appropriate]/ dgn pantas; /get, rise / to o’s feet, sso /bangun, berdiri/; have feet of clay, mempunyai kelemahan; /have, keep/ a ~ in both camps, (colloq) menyebelahi kedua-dua belah pihak; have a ~ in the door, (colloq) sudah masuk; /have, keep/ both (o’s) ~ on the ground, berpijak di bumi nyata; help so. to his feet, menolong sso berdiri; /jump, scramble/ to o’s feet, /bingkas, bergegas/ /bangun, berdiri/; keep (on) o’s feet, mengimbangi diri sso: he had difficulty in keeping his feet on the muddy path, dia mendapati sukar utk mengimbangi dirinya di lorong yg berselut itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |