Maklumat Kata

Carian kata tiada di dalam kamus terkini. Sila rujuk capaian Kamus Dalam Talian ini.
lepas (adjektif)
1. Bersinonim dengan bebas: ucul, merdeka,
Berantonim dengan terikat

2. Bersinonim dengan lari: bebas, lucut, tanggal, lolos, londeh, lulus,

3. Bersinonim dengan lalu: lampau
Berantonim dengan sekarang

Kata Terbitan : selepas, selepas-lepas, berlepas, melepas, melepasi, melepaskan, terlepas, lepasan, kelepasan, pelepasan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

departvi 1. leave, a. (of person) berlepas, bertolak, berangkat; (of royalty) berangkat: we will ~ for Korea tomorrow, kami akan berlepas ke Korea esok; b. (of means of transport) bertolak, berlepas; (of aeroplane) berlepas: the train ~s at ten, kereta api itu akan bertolak pd pukul sepuluh; 2. deviate, menyimpang: to ~ from tradition, menyimpang drpd tradisi; to ~ from o’s previous intentions, menyimpang drpd tujuan asal sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
departuren 1. leaving, a. (of person) pemergian; (of royalty) keberangkatan: a sudden ~, pemergian yg tiba-tiba; many will regret his ~ from the company, ramai orang akan berasa sedih atas pemergiannya dr syarikat ini; b. (of means of transport) bertolak, berlepas; (of aeroplane) berlepas: ~ time, waktu berlepas; ~ lounge, balai berlepas; 2. divergence, penyimpangan: a ~ from established procedure, penyimpangan drpd cara yg biasa; a ~ from the truth, penyimpangan drpd kebenaran; 3. instance of departing, waktu /berlepas, bertolak, berangkat/: arrivals and ~s have been rescheduled, waktu ketibaan dan waktu berlepas telah dijadualkan semula;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
embarkationn 1. act of going on board, menaiki /kapal, kapal terbang/; 2. act of taking on board, pengambilan dgn /kapal, kapal terbang/: the general ordered the ~ of troops to be speeded up, jeneral itu mengarahkan supaya pengambilan askar-askar dgn kapal terbang dipercepat; ~ leave, cuti belayar; date of ~, tarikh /berlepas, bertolak/; port of ~, tempat /berlepas, bertolak/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fromprep 1. (indic point of departure) dari: the train for Rome leaves ~ Paris, kereta api ke Rom berlepas dari Paris; he came ~ home, dia datang dari rumah; the nest fell ~ the tree, sarang burung itu jatuh dari pokok; 2. (indic source, place of origin), dari; (if “source” is person) daripada: he comes ~ Germany, dia datang dari Jerman; he drew water ~ the well, dia mengambil air dari perigi; you cannot draw conclusions ~ such evidence, kamu tdk dapat mengambil kesimpulan drpd keterangan begitu; the suggestion came ~ Hafiz, usul itu datang daripada Hafiz;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
irritationn 1. annoyance, kejengkelan, rasa jengkel: he tried to unsuccessfully hide his ~, dia mencuba menyembunyikan rasa jengkelnya tetapi gagal; in ~, krn (berasa) jengkel: he frowned in ~, keningnya berkerut krn dia jengkel; to so’s ~, berasa jengkel: he found, to his ~, that the bus had already left, dia berasa jengkel apabila mendapati bas itu telah berlepas; 2. soreness, inflammation, kerengsaan, iritasi: scratching will only increase the ~, menggaru akan menambah kerengsaan; 3. st that causes annoyance, (approp n + yg) menjengkelkan: one of the many ~s of everyday life, salah satu perkara yg menjengkelkan dlm kehidupan sehari-hari.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
itemn 1. article or thing in collection of objects, benda, barang: each ~ has a price tag, setiap barang mempunyai tanda harga; ~ of clothing, pakaian; collector’s ~, barang yg digemari (oleh) pengumpul: the chair is a collector’s ~, kerusi itu ialah barang yg digemari oleh pengumpul; household ~, barang kegunaan rumah; 2. one of number of things, matters, (in a list, catalogue) butir; (on a programme) acara; (on an agenda) perkara; (of business) urusan: the first ~ on the programme was a classical Indian dance, acara pertama dlm atur cara itu ialah sebuah tarian klasik India; he has several ~s of business to attend to before he leaves for Thailand, ada beberapa urusan perniagaan yg harus dikendalikannya sebelum berlepas ke negeri Thai; .Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clearancen 1. removal of old buildings, trees, etc from an area, pemugaran: slum ~, pemugaran kawasan sesak; land ~, pemugaran tanah; 2. act of, a. (tidying up) mengemaskan; b. (clearing up) membersihkan; c. (passing cheque from one bank to another through a clearing-house) penjelasan; 3. official permission, kebenaran; (for ship, aircraft to enter or leave etc) kebenaran (utk + approp v); (for cargo, goods to be taken out, etc) pelepasan: journalists had to get the CO’s ~ before joinning the patrol, para wartawan mestilah mendapat kebenaran CO sebelum menyertai rondaan; the aeroplane got ~ from the control tower, kapal terbang itu mendapat kebenaran utk berlepas drpd menara kawalan; he could not get a customs ~ for the goods without paying extra duty, dia tdk dapat memperoleh pelepasan kastam bagi barang-barang itu kecuali dgn membayar duti tambahan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
arrivaln 1. act of, a. (reaching destination, appearing on the scene) ketibaan, tiba, sampai: crowds of people watched the ~ of the guests, banyak orang yg memperhatikan ketibaan para tetamu itu; to wait for the ~ of fresh supplies, menunggu bekalan yg baru tiba; his unexpected ~ at the party caused quite a stir, ketibaannya yg tdk disangka-sangka di majlis itu menimbulkan kekecohan sedikit; b. (coming of season etc) ketibaan, sampai: torrential downpours signalled the ~ of the wet season, hujan lebat yg turun mencurah-curah menandakan ketibaan musim tengkujuh; c. (reaching an objective, end) mencapai; d. (colloq) being born, kelahiran; 2. time of arriving, waktu ketibaan: ~s and departures, waktu ketibaan dan waktu berlepas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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