and | 12. different kinds of, a. (persons) berbagai-bagai /ragam, jenis/: there are men ~ men, ada berbagai-bagai ragam lelaki; b. ( things) berjenis-jenis, berbagai-bagai jenis, bermacam-macam: there are books ~ books, ada bermacam-macam buku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assortment | n 1. collection of variety of things, beraneka jenis, /berbagai-bagai, pelbagai, bermacam-macam/ (jenis): an ~ of nuts, beraneka jenis kacang; an ~ of tools, beraneka jenis alat; 2. act of assorting, (kerja) mengasing-asingkan: the ~ of the specimens took many hours, kerja mengasing-asingkan spesimen itu mengambil masa yg lama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | b. inclusive of all, termasuk segala-galanya: the house is $800 a month ~ in, bayaran sewa rumah itu berjumlah $800 sebulan termasuk segala-galanya; c. see ALL-IN; ~ in ~, generally speaking, pd keseluruhannya, (pd) umumnya; ~ in one piece, masih utuh; ~ /kinds, manner, sorts/ of n, n + of ~ /kinds, sorts/, berbagai-bagai; (fml) pelbagai, segala jenis; (infml) bermacam-macam, segala macam: this restaurant used to be frequented by ~ manner of people, restoran ini dulu didatangi oleh segala jenis manusia; the new rule caused ~ kinds of problems, peraturan yg baru itu menimbulkan bermacam-macam masalah; ~ of [+ measurement, n indic amount] sekurang-kurangnya, tdk kurang drpd: he was ~ of two metres tall, tingginya sekurang-kurangnya dua meter; that car must have cost ~ of $20,000, harga kereta itu tentu tdk kurang drpd $20,000; ~ of a sudden, (dgn) tiba-tiba, sekonyong-konyong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
different | adj 1. dissimilar, distinct, berbeza, berlainan: ~ age groups, kumpulan umur yg berbeza; ~ /from, to, (US) than/, /berbeza, berlainan/ drpd: his approach is very ~ from his predecessor’s, pendekatannya sangat berbeza drpd pendekatan orang sebelumnya; /many, several/ ~, berbagai-bagai, bermacam-macam, pelbagai: many ~ varieties of orchids, berbagai-bagai jenis orkid; 2. another, lain: the customer asked for a ~ colour, pelanggan itu meminta warna lain; 3. unusual, lain drpd yg lain: a style that’s ~, gaya yg lain drpd yg lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dangle | vi 1. be suspended and free to sway, a. (of key, ear-ring, etc) tergantung; (when many) bergantungan: the watch ~d on a chain, jam itu tergantung pd rantai; all sorts of goods ~d from the rafters of the shop, bermacam-macam jenis barang bergantungan pd kasau-kasau kedai itu; b. (of st long, trailing) meruntai, berjuntai: climbers ~d over the side of the wall, pokok-pokok panjat meruntai di tepi tembok itu; grapes dangling from a trellis, buah anggur yg meruntai dr kisi-kisi; 2. swing loosely, berbuai-buai, berayun-ayun: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |