domiciled | adj (leg. or fml) berdomisil, bermastautin: he was ~ in a foreign country, dia berdomisil di negara asing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flag1 | dan penyajak Belanda yg bergerak secara sulit dan meneruskan tradisi mereka semasa pendudukan; even after living in Panama for thirty years he still keeps the ~ flying, walaupun telah tiga puluh tahun bermastautin di Panama, dia masih meneruskan tradisi negara asalnya; put the ~ out, meraikan sst; with ~s flying, dgn cemerlang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jurisdiction | n 1. (right to exercise) legal power or authority, kuasa: does the court have ~ over foreigners who live in this country?, adakah mahkamah mempunyai kuasa thdp orang-orang asing yg bermastautin di negeri ini?; 2. extent of such power, bidang kuasa: the matter is not within the ~ of this court, perkara itu bukan di bawah bidang kuasa mahkamah ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
family | n 1. group of parents and children, keluarga, famili: a large ~, keluarga besar; the whole ~ went abroad, seluruh keluarga pergi ke luar negeri; nuclear ~, famili asas; 2. person’s children, anak-anak; 3. group descended from common ancestor, keluarga turun-temurun: his ~ has lived here for hundreds of years, keluarga turun-temurunnya telah bermastautin di sini sejak beratus-ratus tahun lamanya; 4. (biol) famili: the cat ~, famili kucing; 5. (of languages) rumpun bahasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |