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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata bermati-mati,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

All~ one (to so.) sama saja (bagi sso); ~ out, (ber)mati-matian, (ber)habis-habisan: our team must go ~ out to win, pasukan kita harus berusaha bermati-matian utk menang; [see also ALL-OUT adj]; ~ over, a. (of place) i. everywhere, merata-rata, di merata(-rata) tempat, di serata tempat; (on, in every part of body etc) seluruh, serata: I’ve looked ~ over for you, saya sudah mencari kamu merata-rata; her body was bruised ~ over, seluruh badannya lebam-lebam; the gown was covered ~ over with sequins, seluruh gaun itu dihiasi labuci; ii. everywhere in, di /seluruh, merata(-rata), serata/, di /merata(-rata), serata/ tempat di; (as intensifier), [various translations]: ~ over the world, di seluruh dunia; you’ve got mud ~ over our shoes, kasutmu berlumuran lumpur; there are ants ~ over the food, makanan itu dikerumuni semut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deathas sure as ~, sudah pasti, tdk dapat dielakkan lagi; at ~’s door, di /ambang, pintu, gerbang/ maut; /at the point, on the verge/ of ~, di ambang maut; be the ~ of so., cause so’s death, menyebabkan kematian sso: drinking was the ~ of him, minum araklah yg menyebabkan kematiannya; catch o’s ~ (of cold), (colloq) mati kesejukan; die a hero’s ~, mati sbg pahlawan; put to ~, (gen) dihukum /bunuh, mati/; (ref to specif case) melaksanakan hukuman /bunuh, mati/: the prisoner will be put to ~ tomorrow, banduan itu akan dihukum bunuh esok; /scared, sick, tickled, etc/ to ~, /takut, bosan, geli hati, dsb/ /betul, sungguh/; sentenced to ~, dihukum mati; to the ~, hingga ke titisan darah yg terakhir: to fight to the ~, berjuang hingga ke titisan darah yg terakhir; work os to ~, bekerja bermati-matian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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