fortunate | adj 1. lucky, having good luck, bernasib baik, beruntung: he was ~ to escape capture, dia bernasib baik krn tdk ditangkap; I have been ~ in my children, saya beruntung mendapat anak-anak yg baik; at a ~ time, kena pd masanya: he came at a very ~ time, dia datang kena pd masanya; it was ~ for so., /untunglah, nasib baiklah, mujurlah/ (sso, bagi sso): it was ~ for Agnes that her son was at school at that time, untunglah Agnes, anak lelakinya berada di sekolah pd masa itu; 2. bringing good luck, menguntungkan: a ~ investment, pelaburan yg menguntungkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
account | vt (fml) menganggap: he ~ed himself lucky to have survived the crash, dia menganggap dirinya bernasib baik krn terselamat drpd kemalangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | I was advised to ~ to another doctor, saya dinasihatkan supaya pergi berjumpa doktor lain; she was lucky she went to a good piano teacher, dia bernasib baik krn belajar drpd guru piano yg mahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fortune | win a ~, memenangi wang yg banyak; worth a ~, sangat berhaga; 2. fate, destiny, nasib: we must accept such incidents as the ~s of war, kita mesti menerima peristiwa spt itu sbg nasib semasa perang; it was his ~ to fail, although he nearly succeeded, sudah nasibnya dia gagal, walaupun dia hampir-hampir berjaya; F~ smiles on /so., st/, nasib menyebelahi /sso, sst/; seek o’s ~, merantau mencari untung nasib; tell so’s, ~, /menilik, menengok, menenung/ nasib sso; 3. chance, luck, nasib: he tried his ~ at the roulette table, dia mencuba nasibnya di meja roulette; by a stroke of ~, krn bernasib baik; have the good ~, bernasib baik, beruntung: she had the good ~ to travel far and wide, dia bernasib baik dapat mengembara jauh; have the ill ~, bernasib malang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friendly | adj 1. amiable, a. (of person) ramah; (habitually) peramah, ramah: I’m fortunate to have ~ neighbours, saya bernasib baik krn mempunyai jiran yg peramah; he was not very ~ towards me, dia tdk begitu ramah dgn saya; b. (of greeting, welcome, smile, etc), (amiable) ramah; (warm) mesra: we received a ~ reception when we arrived at the hotel, kami diberi sambutan ramah ketika sampai di hotel; as a ~ gesture, sbg tanda persahabatan: he had put some fresh flowers in Salmah’s room as a ~ gesture, dia meletakkan bunga segar di bilik Salmah sbg tanda persahabatan; c. (of pat, hug) mesra; d. (of advice) sbg sahabat: can I give you a piece of ~ advice?, boleh saya memberi kamu nasihat sbg sahabat?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
goal | n 1. aim, objective, matlamat: his ~ in life is to help others less fortunate than him, matlamat hidupnya adalah membantu orang-orang yg kurang bernasib baik daripadanya; 2. (sports) a. structure, area into which ball etc is aimed, gol: the ball went into the ~, bola itu masuk gol; b. (the score) gol: three ~s to one, tiga gol berbalas satu; ~ average, gol purata; keep ~, menjadi penjaga gol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | vi 1. present st, make a gift, memberi; (colloq) bagi: he always ~s generously to those less fortunate, dia selalu memberi dgn murah hati kpd orang-orang yg kurang bernasib baik; 2. yield to physical strain, memberi; (break, collapse) patah; (bend) melendut: the branch will ~ if you sit on it, dahan itu akan patah jika kamu duduk di atasnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | e. escape consequences of action, lepas: the man was sentenced to three years in prison but his accomplice got off, lelaki itu dihukum penjara selama tiga tahun tetapi rakan sejenayahnya lepas; he was lucky to ~ off with only a warning, dia bernasib baik krn lepas dan hanya diberi amaran; being a first offender, he got off lightly, oleh sebab dia melakukan kesalahan itu buat pertama kali, dia lepas dan hanya dikenakan hukuman ringan; ~ off scot-free, lepas tanpa dihukum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
land | 3. pull in, catch a fish, menarik ke darat: he ~ed a 3 lb trout, dia menarik ke darat ikan trout seberat 3 lb; 4. (colloq) obtain, mendapat: she was lucky to ~ such a job considering her qualifications, dia bernasib baik mendapat kerja spt itu memandangkan kelulusannya yg tdk seberapa; 5. (colloq) hit, strike, bagi: if you say that to me again, I’ll ~ you one, kalau kau cakap sekali lagi, aku bagi sebiji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concern | 4. care, mengambil berat ttg /sso, sst/; ( used with “for”) mengambil berat: I was really surprised when she showed no ~, saya benar-benar terkejut apabila dia tdk mengambil berat; his ~ for the less fortunate was one of his more admirable qualities, sikapnya yg mengambil berat ttg orang-orang yg tdk bernasib baik merupakan sifatnya yg terpuji; 5. affair, urusan: how I spend my money is none of your ~, bagaimana saya membelanjakan wang saya bukan urusanmu; the collection of household rubbish is the ~ of the local council, pemungutan sampah ialah urusan majlis tempatan; what ~ is it of so., apa kena-mengenanya dgn kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |