design | by ~, dgn sengaja: I’m not sure whether it happened by accident or by ~, saya tdk pasti sama ada perkara itu berlaku dgn sengaja atau tdk sengaja; have ~s against so., berniat jahat thdp sso; to have ~s on, (colloq) a. (so.) berniat serong thdp: he has ~s on my sister, dia berniat serong thdp kakak saya; b. (so’s life) berniat utk menganiaya; c. (so’s money, job, etc) mahu akan, mengingini: to have ~s on so’s property, mahu akan harta sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
innocence | in all ~, tanpa /bermaksud, berniat/ apa-apa: the child made the remark in all , anak itu mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut tanpa bermaksud apa-apa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill-disposed | adj a. unfavourably inclined (towards plan etc) tdk bersetuju: to be ~ towards a plan, tdk bersetuju dgn sst rancangan; b. malicious, berniat /buruk, jahat/: some ~ person has been spreading the rumour, ada orang yg berniat buruk menyebarkan khabar angin itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knife | n cutting implement, pisau: carving ~, pisau daging; kitchen ~, pisau dapur; get o’s ~ into so., (colloq) berniat jahat thdp sso; (be) under the ~, menjalani pembedahan: he died under the ~, dia meninggal | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disrespect | n sikap tdk hormat: he showed ~ for authority, dia menunjukkan sikap tdk hormat thdp pihak berkuasa; /mean, intend/ no ~, tdk /berniat, bermaksud/ utk bersikap tdk hormat: he intended no ~ by that remark, dia tdk bermaksud utk bersikap tdk hormat dgn kata-kata itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harm | come to no ~, tdk apa-apa: he came to no ~ in the accident, dia tdk apa-apa dlm kemalangan itu; mean no ~, tdk /berniat buruk, bermaksud apa-apa/; no ~ done, tdk apa-apa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intend | I’m sorry he was hurt; it wasn’t at all what I had ~ed, saya kesal dia berasa tersinggung; saya sekali-kali tdk bermaksud berbuat begitu; everything she did was ~ed to further her husband’s political career, segala-gala yg dilakukannya bertujuan utk memajukan kerjaya politik suaminya; 2. have in mind (a feeling, an idea, etc) bermaksud, berniat: I’m certain he didn’t ~ any mischief, saya yakin dia tdk berniat utk berbuat jahat; 3. (old use) mean, maksud: what do you ~ by these words?, apa maksud kata-katamu itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intention | n 1. intending, purpose, aim, niat, maksud, tujuan; (leg.) niat: I did it without any ~ of hurting him, saya melakukan perbuatan itu tanpa sebarang niat utk melukakan hatinya; he went to night school with the ~ of becoming an accountant, dia belajar di kelas malam dgn tujuan hendak menjadi akauntan; our ~ is to leave early tomorrow, maksud kami hendak bertolak awal besok; have an ~, berniat, bertujuan, bermaksud: she has no ~ what so ever of accepting the offer, dia sedikit pun tdk berniat hendak menerima tawaran itu; 2. (in pl), (old-fashioned) purpose in regard to marriage, niat, tujuan: I’m sure his ~s are honourable, saya yakin niatnya baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harmless | adj 1. not dangerous, tdk berbahaya: a type of ~ snake, sejenis ular yg tdk berbahaya; 2. not damaging, tdk /berbahaya, memudaratkan/: this pill is ~, pil ini tdk berbahaya; 3. innocent, tdk /berdosa, bersalah/; (of pleasure, amusement, etc) tdk mendatangkan /dosa, kesalahan/: many ~ civilians were killed, ramai orang awam yg tdk berdosa telah terbunuh; 4. inoffensive, tdk berniat apa-apa: you shouldn’t get angry over that ~ question, kamu tdk harus meradang krn soalan yg tdk berniat apa-apa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good-humoured | adj [various translations]: my father’s a ~ man, bapa saya orang yg tdk mudah marah; a ~ child, kanak-kanak yg periang; no one takes offence at his ~ teasings, tdk seorang pun yg ambil hati akan selorohnya yg tdk berniat buruk itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |