adhere | ~ to, a. (idea, decision, demand, etc) tdk berganjak drpd, berpegang teguh pd: to ~ to o’s opinion, tdk berganjak drpd pendapat sso; b. (cause, doctrine, religion, etc) berpegang teguh pd, taat kpd: ~ to the teachings of Islam, berpegang teguh pd ajaran-ajaran Islam; c. (rule, instruction, plan, etc) berpegang teguh pd, mematuhi: he ~s to the party line, dia berpegang teguh pd pendirian parti; d. (agreement, promise, treaty, etc) berpegang teguh pd, menepati, mematuhi: to ~ to a treaty, berpegang teguh pd persetiaan; e. (person, organization) /setia, taat/ kpd: to ~ to a political party, setia kpd sst parti politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ to, berpegang pd: we must ~ to whatever we have agreed upon, kita mesti berpegang pd apa saja yg telah kita persetujui; ~ so. to his promise, memegang janji sso; ~ st to the light, menayangkan sst pd cahaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abide | ~ by, a. be faithful to, adhere to, (tetap) berpegang pd, mematuhi: to ~ by a promise, berpegang pd janji; b. comply with, accept, mematuhi, menerima (dan mematuhi): to ~ by the decision of the majority, menerima dan mematuhi keputusan ramai; they have agreed to ~ by all the rules, mereka bersetuju utk mematuhi segala peraturan; c. endure, menanggung: to ~ by the consequences, menanggung akibatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | adv; stand ~, bertegas: if we all stand ~, we will win, kalau kita semua bertegas, kita tentu menang; hold ~ to, berpegang teguh pd: he held ~ to his beliefs, dia berpegang teguh pd kepercayaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handhold | n st to hold on to while climbing, tempat berpegang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ on to, a. grasp tightly, /berpegang kuat-kuat, berpaut/ pd: she held on to the ship’s railing tightly, dia berpaut dgn kuat pd susur kapal itu; b. restrain, menahan: he managed to ~ on to his temper, dia dapat menahan kemarahannya; c. keep in o’s possession, tdk menjual: he is ~ing on to those shares as the value is increasing, dia tdk menjual syernya krn nilainya sedang meningkat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gun | big ~s, (sl) orang atas-atas; give it the ~, (colloq) pecut; going great ~s, sedang maju; jump the ~, (colloq) bertindak sebelum masanya; stick to o’s ~s, (fig.) berpegang teguh pd pendirian: you’ve got to stick to your ~s whatever the outcome, kamu mesti berpegang teguh pd pendirian kamu walau apa pun yg terjadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faithful | adj 1. remain loyal, constant, true, a. (to so.) setia: a ~ friend, kawan yg setia; she was a ~ wife, dia isteri yg setia; b. (to cause, principles, etc) berpegang teguh: he was always ~ to his principles, dia sentiasa berpegang teguh kpd prinsipnya; be ~ in the observance of st, taat mengerjakan sst; be ~ to o’s promise, menepati janji sso; 3. trustworthy, boleh dipercayai: a ~ witness, saksi yg boleh dipercayai; 4. accurate, tepat: ~ in every detail, tepat dlm segala perincian; 5. true to the facts, setia: a ~ description, pemerian yg setia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | ~ / and, in / glove (with), bermuafakat (dgn); (derog) bersubahat (dgn): the two companies have actually been working ~ in glove to destroy our reputation, kedua-dua syarikat itu sebenarnya bersubahat utk merosakkan nama baik kita; ~ in ~, with hands clasped, /berpegang(an), berpimpin/ tangan: the children walked ~ in ~, budak-budak itu berjalan berpegang tangan; ~ to ~, berdepan-depan, berhadap-hadapan: ~ to ~ combat, bertempur berdepan-depan; ~ over / ~, fist /, a. dgn tangan /bersilih sambut, saling berganti/: he hauled in the rope ~ over ~, dia menarik tali itu dgn tangan bersilih sambut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adherence | n 1. see ADHESION (sense 1.); 2. adhering, state of adhering, a. (to idea, decision, demand) /sikap, pendirian/ /tdk berganjak, berpegang (teguh)/: his uncompromising ~ to what he believes is right, sikapnya yg tdk berganjak drpd sst yg dipercayainya benar; b. (to cause, doctrine, etc) pegangan yg teguh: ~ to o’s principles, pegangan sso yg teguh pd prinsip-prinsip sso; ~ to Buddhism, pegangan yg teguh pd agama Buddha; c. (to religion) pegangan yg teguh, ketaatan; d. (to rule, instruction, plan, etc) kepatuhan, pegangan yg teguh: strict ~ to the law, kepatuhan sepenuhnya kpd undang-undang; e. (to agreement, promise, treaty, etc) kepatuhan, pegangan yg teguh; f. (to person, organization) kesetiaan, ketaatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |