civilization, civilisation | n 1. process of civilizing, state of being civilized, pemeradaban; 2. civilized society, tamadun, peradaban: the ancient ~s, peradaban purba; the western ~, peradaban barat; the ~s of Egypt and Persia, tamadun Mesir dan Parsi; 3. advanced stage of human development, tamadun, peradaban: the Romans brought ~ to Britain, orang-orang Rom membawa peradaban ke Britain; 4. civilized people collectively, dunia /bertamadun, berperadaban/: ~ is threatened by the constant build-up of nuclear weapons, dunia bertamadun berasa sentiasa terancam akibat kian bertambahnya senjata nuklear; 5. (humorous) civilized life, dunia tamadun: the first thing we must do when we get back to ~ is to have a hot meal, perkara pertama yg mesti kita lakukan apabila kita kembali ke dunia tamadun ialah memakan masakan yg panas-panas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |