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Kata Terbitan : pijak-pijak, berpijak, memijak, memijakkan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

treadvi 1. berjalan, berpijak: he trod more lightly as he passed the baby’s room, dia berjalan lebih perlahan semasa lalu di bilik bayi itu; he trod carefully over the stony ground, dia berpijak dgn hati-hati melalui tanah yg berbatu itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
footingn 1. secure grip with the feet, berpijak dgn kukuh: be careful of your ~ on the ice, hati-hati kamu berpijak dgn kukuh di permukaan yg berais itu; 2. basis, position, tapak: the organization is now is on a firm ~, persatuan itu sudah mempunyai tapak yg kukuh sekarang; be on a war ~, bersedia utk berperang; put st on a war ~, mengarahkan supaya sst bersedia utk berperang: the government decided to put the army on a war ~, kerajaan memutuskan utk mengarahkan supaya tentera bersedia utk berperang; 3. (status) kedudukan; (relationship) hubungan: to be on an equal ~, mempunyai kedudukan yg sama; she was on a friendly ~ with her neighbours, dia mempunyai hubungan yg mesra dgn jiran-jiran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stepping-stone n 1. batu tempat berpijak; 2. (fig.) batu loncatan: my present job is only a ~ to a better one, kerja saya sekarang ini hanya sbg batu loncatan utk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
long-hairedadj 1. having long hair, (of humans) berambut panjang; (of animals) berbulu panjang; 2. (derog) more concerned with lofty, abstract, vague ideals than with practicalities, tdk berpijak di bumi nyata: the place is full of ~, limp-wristed intellectuals, tempat itu penuh dgn intelektual yg lembik-lembik dan tdk berpijak di bumi nyata.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
firm1adj 1. solid, not yielding to pressure, tdk lembik; (of fruit , flesh, cushion) pejal: the refrigerator will keep the butter ~, kalau disimpan dlm peti sejuk, mentega tdk lembik; his stomach muscles were still ~, otot perutnya masih pejal; 2. secure, a. kukuh, teguh: it was difficult tofind a ~ foot-hold on the icy slope, susah mencari tempat berpijak yg kukuh pd cerun yg berais itu; he wound sticky tape round the broken chair leg till it was ~, dia melilitkan pita perekat pd kaki kerusi yg patah itu hingga kukuh; b. (fig.) kukuh, teguh, erat: there are ~ ties of friendship between our two countries, terdapat tali persahabatan yg erat antara kedua-dua negara kami;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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