displace | vt 1. remove from usual place, mengalih, memindahkan, mengubah tempat: many items had been ~d, banyak barang telah dialih; 2. expel from home, homeland, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] terpaksa berpindah; (pass.) terpaksa berpindah: thousands of people have been ~d by the war, beribu-ribu orang terpaksa berpindah akibat perang; ~d person, orang tdk bertempat; 3. replace, (act.) menggantikan; (pass.) berganti dgn: modern machines have ~d the peasant’s tools, mesin moden telah menggantikan alatan petani; the volunteers were ~d by regular soldiers, para sukarelawan telah berganti dgn askar biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |