estranged | adj 1. no longer living with so., telah berpisah; (of husband, wife) telah berpisah dgn sso: her parents are now ~, ibu bapanya telah berpisah; his ~ wife is suing him for divorce, isteri yg telah berpisah dengannya menuntut cerai; 2. (fml) alienated, renggang; (attrib) telah renggang drpd sso: they haven’t heard from their ~ son for years, sudah bertahun-tahun mereka tdk mendapat khabar berita drpd anak mereka yg telah renggang drpd mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inseparable | adj 1. always together, tdk boleh /berpisah, bercerai/: the boys have become ~, budak-budak itu tdk boleh berpisah; ~ friends, sahabat karib; 2. that cannot be considered apart, tdk dapat dipisahkan: the dangers that are ~ from such work, bahaya yg tdk dapat dipisahkan drpd pekerjaan spt itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inseparably | adv (rel to relationship) begitu [adj] hingga tdk boleh /berpisah, bercerai/: the twins are ~ close, kembar itu begitu rapat hingga tdk boleh berpisah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breakaway | adj 1. (of animals) broken free, lepas lari: a ~ horse, kuda yg lepas lari; 2.,/b> in favour of secession, ingin /bercerai, berpisah/: a ~faction, puak yg ingin berpisah; 3. having seceded, bercerai, sudah memisahkan diri: the ~ union, kesatuan pekerja yg sudah memisahkan diri; ~ regime, rejim yg sudah memisahkan diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-alive | adj not full of life, tdk bermaya: she felt ~ all those years they were separated, dia berasa tdk bermaya sepanjang masa mereka berpisah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
company | be in good ~, (humorous) be in the same situation as someone else, bukan kamu seorang saja: “I’ve made one or two awful blunders.” “You’re in good ~. So have I”, “Saya pernah membuat satu dua kesilapan besar.” “Bukan kamu seorang saja. Saya pun pernah”; in ~ with, bersama-sama dgn; keep ~ with, /bercampur, bergaul/ dgn; keep so. ~, menemani sso; part ~ (with) a. separate (from) berpisah (dgn); b. end relationship (with) berpisah (dgn); c. disagree (with) tdk bersetuju (dgn); present ~ excepted, tdk termasuk /kamu, tuan-tuan, puan-puan [as approp]/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ up, a. divide into smaller parts, berpecah-pecah: when the ice ~s up in spring, apabila ais berpecah-pecah dlm musim bunga; the clouds broke up and the sun came out, awan berpecah-pecah dan matahari pun muncul; b. be destroyed, disintegrate, pecah; (due to explosion) berkecai: the ship broke up after being pounded by heavy seas, kapal itu pecah setelah dipukuli gelombang besar; the aircraft broke up in mid-air, kapal terbang itu berkecai di udara; c. (cease, dissolve) hancur, musnah; (separate) berpisah; (of group of people) berpecah: their marriage has broken up, perkahwinan mereka sudah hancur; gossip has it that Ganesan and Sally have broken up, menurut desas-desus, Ganesan dan Sally sudah berpisah; the band broke up after two years, kugiran itu berpecah selepas dua tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amity | n persahabatan: for the two rivals ~ quickly changed to enmity, bagi kedua-dua saingan itu persahabatan dgn cepat bertukar menjadi permusuhan; tariff agreements promoted ~ between the two countries, persetujuan tarif menggalakkan persahabatan antara kedua-dua negara itu; treaty of ~, persetiaan persahabatan; in ~, secara /bersahabat, berbaik-baik/: to part in ~, berpisah secara bersahabat; in ~ with, /bersahabat, berbaik-baik/ dgn: he resolved to live in ~ with his neighbours, dia berazam utk hidup berbaik-baik dgn jiran-jirannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |