contented | adj 1. (satisfied with o’s lot) berpuas hati; (quite happy) bahagia: a ~ man, lelaki yg berpuas hati; be ~ with st, berpuas hati dgn sst; 2. suggesting, characterized by satisfaction, bahagia; (of look, smile, etc) menunjukkan rasa puas (hati): a ~ life, kehidupan yg penuh kepuasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
content 2 | adj (satisfied) berpuas hati, berasa puas; (happy) bahagia: she seems quite ~ with what she has, dia nampaknya berpuas hati dgn apa yg dia ada; they were ~ with his explanation, mereka berpuas hati dgn keterangannya; I would be quite ~ to stay at home, saya bahagia tinggal di rumah; die ~, menutup mata dgn bahagia: when all is settled, I shall die ~, apabila semuanya telah selesai, barulah saya dapat menutup mata dgn bahagia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
content 2 | ~ os with, berpuas hati dgn: she has to ~ herself with her lot, dia terpaksa berpuas hati dgn nasibnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gratify | 2. (esp pass.), (fml) a. give satisfaction to, (act.) memuaskan hati; (pass.) berpuas hati: she was gratified that the committee had approved the plan, dia berpuas hati bahawa jawatankuasa itu telah meluluskan rancangan tersebut; b. give pleasure to, delight, (act.) menyenangkan (hati); ( pass.) berasa senang hati: it gratified him to hear of his son’s success, dia berasa senang hati apabila mendapat tahu ttg kejayaan anak lelakinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complacent | adj (usu derog) berpuas hati, berasa puas hati; (of smile) puas: after working for five years, he became ~ about his accomplishments, selepas lima tahun bekerja, dia berasa puas hati dgn pencapaiannya; a ~ smile, senyum puas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissatisfied | adj tdk (ber)puas hati: they were ~ with the working conditions in the factory, mereka tdk berpuas hati dgn keadaan kerja di kilang itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appearance | for the sake of ~s, demi kepentingan mata umum; give an ~ of, /kelihatan, tampak/ spt: he had given the ~ of being quite satisfied, dia kelihatan spt berpuas hati; give so. the ~ of, menjadikan sso /tampak, kelihatan/: her glasses gave her the ~ of being older than she really was, kaca matanya menjadikan dia tampak lebih tua drpd yg sebenarnya; give st the ~ of, menjadikan sst kelihatan: to give the painting an ~ of authenticity, menjadikan lukisan itu kelihatan tulen; have the ~ of, /kelihatan, nampak, tampak/ spt: he had the ~ of so. who had been up all night, dia tampak spt seorang yg telah berjaga semalam-malaman; it has the ~ of silk, kain itu kelihatan spt sutera; in ~, outwardly, pd lahirnya: in ~ they seem happily married, pd lahirnya mereka suami isteri yg bahagia; judge by ~s, mengukur drpd keadaan lahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laurel | look to o’s ~s, lebih /berhati-hati, berjaga-jaga/ agar kedudukan sso tdk tergugat: with all the new talent around him, he will have to look to his ~s, dgn munculnya bakat-bakat baru, dia harus lebih berhati-hati agar kedudukannya tdk tergugat; rest on o’s ~s, berpuas hati dgn kejayaan sso: he has been resting on his ~s and hasn’t achieved much this year, dia berpuas hati dgn kejayaannya dan tdk banyak yg dicapainya tahun ini; /win, gain/ o’s ~s, /memperoleh, mencapai/ kejayaan: he has won many ~s in his profession, dia telah memperoleh kejayaan yg banyak dlm profesionnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conduct | n 1. behaviour, kelakuan: her ~ at school has improved, kelakuannya di sekolah bertambah baik; 2. way of managing, pengendalian: the candidates were not satisfied with the ~ of the election, calon-calon tdk berpuas hati dgn pengendalian pilihan raya itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generally | 3. not specifically, in indefinite terms, secara /umum, am/: he touched on the subject of child labour ~, dia menyentuh perkara buruh kanak-kanak secara umum; ~ speaking, everyone was happy with the outcome of the negotiation, secara umum, semua orang berpuas hati dgn hasil rundingan itu; ~, I agree with what you say, secara umum, saya bersetuju dgn apa yg kamu katakan; 4. , biasanya dia pergi berjalan-jalan sebelum makan malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |